Saturday, September 12, 2015

Budget, Police, Steve's Report, Police Blotter and Much More!

Good afternoon!  Isn't it nice to have a little rain!  Let's talk about what is going on in the City!

First on my list this week is our Police Department.  Please let them know you appreciate their hard work to keep Lakeway and all our citizens safe!  With all the recent national issues involving law enforcement, I want everyone to know that we have one of the best if not the best police forces in the nation!  It is important that we show our support for them in their endeavors to keep us safe!

One way to do that is to sign up and participate in the 32nd annual National Night Out activities that will be held on October 6th from 4 until 8 PM.  Here is a link to more information.  Please sign up to host or attend a neighborhood gathering.

The Balcones Community Orchestra will perform at the Activity Center on September 27th from 4-5 PM.  Here's a link to more info.

The Big Band Bash is coming up Monday evening - it's a GREAT way to enjoy Kent Dugan's 17-piece Orchestra - it's free!  Come enjoy and dance to the wonderful music. Here's a link to more information.

ZAPCO meets in Special Session on Wednesday September 16th at 9:10 AM.  There was a notification issue and the meeting was delayed.  Here is the agenda.

There will be a Council Budget Work Session and Public Hearing on Monday September 14 at 2:00 PM in Council Chambers.  Here is the agenda.  Currently the plan is to maintain a $.17 per hundred dollar evaluation tax rate - the same as last year.  Here is a link to information on surrounding cities and their tax rates.  We are 3rd from the bottom on the list - please take into consideration that a majority of Bee Caves income comes from Sales Tax at the Galleria and the Hills charges residents a POA fee.  There will be another public hearing at our regular Council Meeting on September 21st and the tax rate will be adopted at a Special meeting on September 28th at 2:00 PM.  All of the Budget meetings are recorded and available for viewing at any time.  Here's a link to the video index.

I don't often post videos that I find on the internet, but this one is a remake of some I used when I was teaching - if you have a minute take a look at "Shift Happens" - it's really interesting!

From Steve Jones:
I met with representatives from LTYA this week for an update on the new Field of Dreams.  They are working with planners to design a new park facility for the property.  It has become apparent that the cost of the project will exceed our original estimates.  That means that development will be more challenging and take longer than expected.  However, everyone is still optimistic about the project, and they are working hard to make it a success.  

Chessie, Chief Radford, and I attended a webinar this week regarding new regulations on open-carry of handguns.  The legislature has mandated that cities may not regulate open carry of handguns on public property, including inside buildings, except in court offices or when a governmental body is meeting.  The city can still restrict firearms from the council chamber during meetings, but we must post new signs at the doors.  The new law becomes effective on January 1.  

Members of the Deer Management Committee met with Urban Biologist Jessica Alderson of Texas Parks and Wildlife last week to discuss, among other things, taking a census of our deer population.  The consensus was that a deer census would not provide reliable information, and a census should not be undertaken.  The group also asked TP&W to consider approving a test program that would allow us to corral deer and hold them overnight.  That would add operational flexibility that could save both time and money.  

City crews painted the end caps of the medians on Lohmans crossing yellow to increase visibility at all the intersections.  A guardrail was heavily damaged on Lakeway Blvd last week.  Public Works is getting prices to have it repaired.  City staff has trimmed some problem tree limbs that were reported by the LTISD transportation department.  And, “Hands Free” signs have been installed on Serene Hills and Highlands Blvd.  We are still working with TXDOT regarding the signs on RM 620.

We will receive two disbursements from the US Marshal’s Service for money that was seized by a team, including one of our officers, working a drug case with the DEA Task Force.  The total amount will be roughly $5,500.

Chief Court Clerk Ruth Sandoval reported that the court received 531 new violations (404 traffic violations, 91 State Law, 35 City Ordinance and 1 Parking violation), and issued 177 new warrants.  Marshal Johnson worked the field all week clearing 130 active warrants.  We had four court dockets with 189 defendants contesting violations, and one trial by judge.

From the Chief:
Routine traffic stops resulted in the following charges; Out of Jurisdiction Warrants X 3, Lakeway Warrants X 2, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia X 10, Possession of Marijuana X 1, Driving while intoxicated X 2, Open Container X 1, Driving while License Suspended X 1. 

Officers responded to a Disturbance Call on Cutty Trail, neighbors were in a dispute over parking. 

Officers responded to an address on Golden Bear in reference to a Criminal Mischief, a vehicle was damaged, subject who committed the damage agreed to pay restitution, no charges were filed. 

Officers responded to a RR 620 S. business in reference to a prior Disturbance, a customer advised officers that they had been assaulted at their home by a family member, detectives are investigating. 

An unoccupied recreational vehicle, which was parked in the parking lot on Cross Creek, rolled backward traveling approximately 75 feet before striking a tree, the recreational vehicle was damaged, no injuries were reported.    

CID met with the Travis County Sheriff’s Office Victim Services Director regarding their services and how to improve our efficiency.  We reviewed reporting standards and compared statistics for 2015.  We also are working on adopting their "Victim and Witness Handbook" which could replace the 5-7 different pamphlets that are given to victims to inform them of their rights and resources. 

CID filed charges in a reckless damage case that occurred in Flintrock Falls.  

We are currently reviewing sixteen applications for the open dispatcher position.
I hope you enjoy the blog - if you would like to be added to my email list please send a note to and I'll get you added to the list!

Have a GREAT weekend - it looks like we're in for a dose of almost fall!

Joe Bain

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