Saturday, April 18, 2015

Week's Events, CAMPO, Council and More!

I hope you're enjoying the refreshing rain we received yesterday - as I expected, the forecast of severe storms and floods in our area were a little off.  We did get about .3 inch in my rain gauge and some in the areas that flow into the lakes.  Current level looks like 628.56, up about an inch.  Hopefully more today!

Let's look at last week - Monday at 11AM, the Heritage Commission met and firmed up the Memorial Day Celebration and the Quarter Century Club plans.  If you haven't heard, mark your calendar for the Memorial Celebration a little early - it will be held on FRIDAY, May 22, 2015 at 11AM because of scheduling issues.  Thank you to the Emmaus Catholic Church for providing the venue.  I bumped into Father Hose at the barber shop and I think we will be able to schedule for the service on Memorial Day Monday in 2016.  The Guest Speaker will be U.S. marine Corps Lieutenant General Jeff Howell, a resident of Bee Caves.  Come join us!

Monday evening, Steve Jones and I made our monthly trek to the CAMPO meeting at the Thompson Conference Center on the UT Campus.  This was a great meeting, we solidified the 2035 plan and made headway on the upcoming vote on the 2040 plan that still includes significant improvement plans for Loop 1.  I have been working with members of the Board to bring focus on issues in Western Travis County - I pulled the LW01 project from the Illustrative list and was rewarded with the commitment of a Committee to work on issues in Western Travis County - including Loop 360 West starting mid Summer.  Here is a video of Chairman Conley and Executive Director Ashby Johnson's comments.  Many thanks to Steve Jones and Chessie Zimmerman for their support and work that is starting to reward our Citizens with results!

The Candidate Forum was held on Thursday evening.  The turnout was not overwhelming but hopefully folks were and will be able to look at the video - here's a link to the video.  Please take the time to review the candidates and vote in the upcoming election - it's important to let your voice heard!

Tomorrow don't forget the Austin Bella Corda Guitar Ensemble concert Sunday from 4-5 at the Activity Center - it's a free concert!  It should be a GREAT show!

Lots of GREAT stuff going on at the Activity Center - here's a link to all the scoop!

Here's a link to March's Parks and Rec Report - take a moment to peruse all the things Andra Dearing and her staff do for our community!

Your City Council meets Monday evening at 6:30 - here's a link to the agenda.  Backup materials can be accessed here.

City Building Commission will meet Thursday at 9:00AM.  Here is that agenda.

Steve Jones Report:
This week, Joe Bain removed our proposed SH 45 West project from the CAMPO 2040 Illustrative Plan.  In turn, CAMPO committed to appoint a special committee to study transportation needs in western Travis County and to perform a sub-regional transportation study for western Travis County.  I believe this was a good tradeoff.  Working within the CAMPO system in this way will focus a great deal of attention on our transportation needs and should provide some viable solutions for our transportation problems.  

Ron Woolard, of Club Corp, informed us that they are ready to move forward with selling their Lakeway Drive tennis courts to the city.  Our respective attorneys will begin drafting a sale and purchase agreement.  We also learned that fully rehabbing the courts will cost the city about $50,000.  

The Justice Center relocation study was completed this week.  The study found that constructing a new Justice Center at the current location is not financially feasible.  It is not possible to fit both a court facility and police station on the site, and the cost of establishing and operating a temporary police station while construction takes place is cost prohibitive.  We have begun evaluating other locations for a new center and have identified several possible locations.  

Work is almost complete on the draft capital improvements plan.  We hope to deliver a first draft to you next week.  

We have encountered difficulty in hiring a new Building Official.  Our first offer was turned down by the applicant who ostensively received a more desirable offer.  Our second offer was rejected today when the applicant suddenly discovered that he has a medical condition that will require open-hear surgery.  We will continue our search.  

Wendy Askey reported that we currently have job postings for a Police Officer I and various seasonal Swim Center positions.  The job posting are on our website at

Public works reports that crews worked on several damaged rock walls along Sailmaster that were damaged by vehicles.  Once those are complete, they will repair the one at Lohmans and Cross Creek.  Trees are blooming and creating visibility issues at some intersections.  A crew has been out trimming several areas.  And, they have received quotes for approximately 2,700 sf of asphalt patches throughout the city and Alpha Paving was the low bidder.  Alpha will begin paving soon.  

Police Report:
Routine traffic stops resulted in the following charges
o Driving while Intoxicated X 1
o Possession of Marijuana X 1
o Minor in Possession of Tobacco X 1
o Leaving the Scene of an Accident X 1
o Possession of Drug Paraphernalia X 2
1. Officers responded to three different disturbance calls at various locations this week. A male subject was arrested for Assault /Family Violence at one of the locations, At the other calls participants were either separated for the evening, or they were able settle their issues and resume their evening without incident.  
2. Officers responded to Highlands Blvd. in reference to Criminal Mischief. Unknown persons had entered the event center and put graffiti on the walls. This case has been assigned to an detective for further investigation. 
3. A Lakeway K9 Officer Kanzenbach was asked to assist TCSO on a traffic stop. The K9 (Orka) was deployed and she located illegal drugs hidden in the vehicle. Criminal charges were filed by the deputies on scene against the driver. 
4. A Lakeway woman came to the Police Department to report that unknown person (s) had used her social security number to file a fraudulent tax return. 

- Sgt. Brown was able to track down several witnesses to a Criminal Mischief case that occurred in May of 2013. After written statements were obtained, Sgt. Brown was able to obtain a warrant of arrest (Criminal Mischief, Class B Misdemeanor) for the suspect. 

- Sgt. Brown and the other detectives assisted with in-processing and first week of training for our two newly hired police officers.
I hope everyone has a great weekend - enjoy this "Spring" weather, it will be over soon!  

If you want to be added to the email list send a note to  Thanks for looking!

Joe Bain

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