Saturday, November 22, 2014

LCRA, CAMPO, Scams, Police Gala, SingAlong and MORE!

Good Morning!  Predictions are that we will see some heavy rain today, hopefully it will put some water in our Lake!  LCRA voted this week not to send water downstream for another year - I think the vote was 12-2, finally looks like they suspect a problem!  Current Lake Travis Level is 621.94, about 44 feet below average for this time of year.

We've had a couple of scams in the area - one report from the Hills where "Presidential Window Cleaning" cleaned some windows and was paid by check.  The daughter that does the books for her mom noticed the check cleared twice - yup, they made a copy and deposited it twice.  Another scam in the area are callers saying they are collecting for IRS, Police, Courts or others asking the resident to buy a "Green Dot Gift Card" and give the information to the caller to pay the bill.  Be careful, don't give money to anyone you don't personally know - if you think you get a scam call, hang up and report it to the local police.  Here's a link to more.

Something Good Is Happening December 12th!  Mark you calendars and plan on attending the Lakeway Police Foundation's "Under the Lights of Lakeway".  It will be held at Antebellum Oaks on December 12th from 6pm - 11pm.  Here is a lint to more information - scroll to the bottom of the page and buy your tickets!  It's a GREAT evening - this will be a new venue and supports  our Police Officers.  See you there!

The Lakeway SingAlongs are ramping up for another GREAT show!  What better way to get into the holiday spirit than with a Christmas Music show benefiting community member in need.  December 7th back to back performances at 2 and 4:30 - bring an unwrapped gift for admission.  Here's a link to more!

Last Friday the Mayor, Steve Jones, Chessie Zimmerman and I met with Ashby Johnson, the new Executive Director of CAMPO to discuss traffic issues in Western Travis County.  It was a very productive meeting and I think Mr. Johnson will bring leadership to the table that will greatly benefit the area.  We also met Monday with Commissioner Daughtery, Mr Johnson, Mayor Murphy from Bee Cave, Council Member Michelle Bliss, TxDot, Mayor DeOme, and Chessie Zimmerman to update everyone on the current plans.  TxDot is funding a "Corridor Study" Lakeline to Hwy. 71 that will give us some information on what options are available to mitigate our traffic issues in the near term.  This will be limited to existing right of way.  Mr. Johnson plans to try to get a sub-regional study going to look at long range issues and solutions.  More as it happens!

From Steve Jones:
The LCRA Board voted Wednesday to request emergency relief from TCEQ that would allow LCRA to deviate from their water management plan and not release water for irrigation next year.  Indications are that the drought will continue and there will be no water available for interruptible uses.  

Last week we met with LTYA and the Williams’ to discuss assignment of the land purchase and sale agreement.  Everyone is amenable to the assignment, and the Williams’ agreed to push the closing date back to late February when the city will receive funds from the upcoming bond issue.  

We have a contractor out sealing cracks on Lakeway Drive.  That work should be finished next week, weather and holidays permitting.  The road will be restriped after crack sealing is completed.  

The Board of Adjustment met this week to hear a request for a variance from a rear setback requirement.  Because of a unique situation, the subject lot has a 25-foot rear setback that precludes the construction of a swimming pool.  The BOA agreed that this case presented an unnecessary hardship and approved the variance.  

Chief Radford reported:

Traffic stops resulted in the following charges: 
o Possession of Drug Paraphernalia X2
o Warrant Arrest – Multiple theft and traffic warrants from Travis County
o Warrant Arrest – Traffic from Johnson City
o Driving While License Invalid

An LPD officer conducted a mental health evaluation of a patient at LRMC.  A Peace Officer Emergency Detention was completed and executed.
LPD Officer found a juvenile to be in possession of a small amount of marijuana and drug paraphernalia at the Lakeway Skate Park.  The officer made contact with the Juvenile based on a citizen tip of drug activity at the park.  The juvenile was cited and released to a parent.
LPD Officer took a report of a burglary of tools from a workshop building located on the property of a residence on Warbler.  The missing miscellaneous tools are valued at approximately $2000.
A Caterpillar backhoe was reported stolen from a construction site in Rough Hollow.  Informational bulletins for the stolen Caterpillar 420 D Backhoe were forwarded to the Austin Regional Intelligence Center for statewide distribution.
Uninstalled cabinetry was reported stolen from a new residential construction site in Bella Montagna, and a concrete mixer was reported stolen from the vacant medical building behind the US Post Office.  Anyone with information about these thefts should contact LPD. 
LPD is currently investigating cases reported to our office about Green Dot Money scams originated from the internet or by other means.  Information about these cases and safeguards to be taken by our citizens was released to the public by our city PIO.  KEYE News distributed information in reference to these Green Dot Money Scams, and others scams currently circulating on the internet.  

Chief Radford and I met with HOA representatives from the Ridge at Alta Vista to help them with parking issues on their private streets.  We offered several options that they will consider and discuss with the residents.  When they reach a decision, we will work with the HOA to implement a strategy.  

Last week, Ashby Johnson, Executive Director of CAMPO came to city hall for a meeting with the Mayor and staff.  He discussed his plans on how to lead the organization, and we exchanged ideas on regional and sub-regional transportation planning in our area.  We were very encouraged by the discussion, and believe that he possesses the leadership that CAMPO needs going forward.  Mr. Johnson committed to supporting a sub-regional roadway study for our area.  

We held the kick-off meeting for the justice center study today.  The goal is to have a conceptual design and cost estimate that can be taken to the voters next November.  I believe that it would be a good idea to appoint a bond committee to follow development of the project and help disseminate information to the public.  We should consider appointing one as the information coalesces.  

That's all for now - be safe out there today!  If you lie the blog, tell your friends!  If you have questions about city government, fell free to email me and I'll try to get you an answer.  To subscribe to my email list, send a note to and I'll get you added.

Joe Bain

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