Saturday, August 24, 2013

Council, Trucks, Police Report and More!

Council met August 19, 2013 in regular session with Mayor Pro Tem at the helm in Mayor DeOme's absence.  Here is that agenda.

Mr. Taylor presented Volunteer Appreciation Certificates to Swim Center Volunteers for their efforts working to make the swim center events better for all of us.  Their work greatly appreciated!
Monica Maly, Rachel Maly, Tiffannie Shivley, Kerrigan Gibbs, Jennifer Good, Morgan Babbini, Morgan Michael, Hannah Evans, Taylor Bishop, Hunter Bishop
Not pictured: Cameron Cotton, Ben Rodgers, Veronica Lien, Emmie Knutson, Hayley Kinlaw

We heard a presentation from Retired Colonel Kristen Shelstad, Army National Guard, on the Honor Flight Program.  Here is a link to more information on that program - this is an Austin link, they don't have a Lake Area Site.

General Dick Drury gave a presentation on an amendment of the Code of Ethics that he and the Commission have bee working on for the last year.  General Drury has been and active volunteer for the City for many years and the City thanks him for all his work.  Here is a link to the new Code.  Dick is retiring as Chairman of the Board of Ethics Wednesday and I'd like to express my thanks for all of his efforts!  I'm told he will be manning the front desk for a while and I'm sure we'll see more of him in volunteer positions soon! Thanks General!

The City Manager was authorized to execute a contract with North Star Destination Strategies, Inc. to work on the City's brand - recommended by the Lakeway Visitors Commission.  The monies for this contract come directly from the Hotel Tax the City implemented.

A heavy Truck Ordinance was approved to restrict truck traffic passing through Lakeway.  Tuesday there was a Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Initiative conducted in the parking lot of Lake Travis Elementary from 8:30 to 11:30 AM.  Here's what happened:

50 Commercial Vehicles Stopped

3 Large Trucks taken out of service
1 operator cited for Driving While License Invalid
1 vehicle over weight by nearly 8,000 pounds
About 48 violations observed
This was a joint effort provided by Travis County Sheriff, Hays County Sheriff, Pflugerville PD, DPS and Lakeway Police Department - GREAT job guys and thanks!

Annexations and zoning was approved for the Highlands and Serene Hills and a Special Use Permit was approved for a Medical Office for Lakeway Dermatology.

Item 13 was pulled from the agenda at the last minute by the applicant.  

The Executive Session was was cancelled and is rescheduled on Wednesday, August 28th at 10AM.  Here is that agenda.
You might have seen an article in the Austin Statesman about some state roads going to local entities.  This would be a disaster for most cities including Lakeway.  I'm told this would not affect cities with less than 50,000 population - good news!  Here's the article in the Austin Statesman.

The Flint Rock Road Open House was very well attended Tuesday evening.  All of the comments I heard were very positive and folks seemed to be excited and want to see it get started!

Lake Travis Lions Club members, from left, Emilia Hayes, Vice President Carol Ann Weed and President Seth Brower present Lakeway Police Chief Todd Radford, left, with one of four automatic external defibrillators, or AEDs, donated to the department to keep in its patrol vehicles as, from left, LPD Lt. Ken Farr, Captain David Crowder and Community Resources Officer Eric Barto thank them.

There will be another City Council Budget Work Session Monday August 26th.  Here is that agenda.

From City Manager Steve Jones:

Looks like the City's long search for a Financial Director is about to come to an end.  More on this exciting development once it's finalized!

CBC met Thursday at 9AM - here is that agenda.  They met for 2 minutes and went on about four on site inspections - short day!

Police Report:
We recovered a stolen vehicle Thursday night.  The vehicle had been stolen somewhere near Steiner Ranch.  Officer Gutierrez located the vehicle parked in front of a residence on Carefree Drive.  Officers set up surveillance on the vehicle and waited for a driver to emerge from the house.  A person eventually got in the car.  Officers arrested the suspect and recovered the car.

There were four vehicles burglarized Wednesday night.  All the vehicles were unlocked. 

Bee Cave PD requested our assistance with traffic control Thursday after all of their traffic signals turned off.  There was a fire at a utility pole near Hamilton Pool Road that knocked out all of their traffic signals.  We assisted and, within an hour, all signals were operational. 

LPD responded to a four-car collision in the 400 block of RR 620 south.  The driver, who pulled out in front of traffic causing the collision, was intoxicated.  He was transported to LRMC for minor injuries and upon release was arrested for DWI and transported to central booking.

***PLEASE*** Lock you cars!  The vehicle burglary issue is generally a crime of opportunity and committed by teenagers that live in the community.  Simple, LOCK YOUR CAR!

Dale DeLong reported, “This week, City Forester Carrie Burns had a contractor remove two oak trees (photo attached) on Lakeway Boulevard that were infected with oak wilt.  The larger of the two trees required us to detour westbound traffic for approximately 30 Minutes.  As of today, Mark Green has inspected 204 city maintained culverts for damage.  The inspections are about 70% complete.”
Don't forget the Community Birthday Party on Saturday October 5, 2013 at the Lakeway Activity Center.  There will be a day of events including a Barn Dance that Evening.  Here is a link to more information!  

And finally a picture taken on 620 Thursday evening about 5:30 - please don't text and drive!  Yup, he was riding down the road spending much more time texting than driving - ouch!

That's all for this week - I'm sure I forgot something.....

Joe Bain

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