Friday, August 16, 2013

Council, Budget, Flint Rock Road Project and Much More!

Council had a Budget Work Session Monday, 8-12-2013 and heard from the City Manager and Department heads on requested items for the coming year.  The maximum tax rate was set at that meeting and is 18 cents per one hundred dollar valuation, down from 18.15 cents last year.  This is possible because of the increase in overall property values in the City, especially the growth of new homes and businesses. 

The Statesman had an article that came out Wednesday, August 15th about a law suit brought by Recovery Ways against the city for pulling their permit for a drug rehab facility on Lohmans Crossing.  Here is that article from the Austin Statesman.  Council will get an update from our attorneys in an executive session at the meeting Monday.  Our insurance normally covers this type of case so cost to the City will be minimal.

The Firewise Committee had a meeting Tuesday in Council Chambers to discuss status, projects and volunteers.  It was well attended but they need more help!  This is a wonderful project that may save your home if we are struck with fires like the ones Steiner Ranch endured a couple of years ago.  Here forester Carrie Burns gives a report to the attendees.  Here is a link to more information on the project.  

Council will meet Monday evening in regular session.  Here is a link to the Agenda.  If you would like the backup information that is in Council's notebooks here is a link to that.  It looks like a full agenda!

Beware!  Lakeway Police are joining a national crackdown on drunk driving known as "Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over".  Here is a link to more information.

I attended the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors meeting Wednesday and will assume the position of "Ex-Officio" member of the Board as liaison between the Chamber and the City of Lakeway.  I look forward to keeping this channel of communication open!  I am also applying to attend "Leadership Lake Travis".  Here is a link to more information about this class experience.  I am told this is a wonderful learning experience - they still have some slots open, check it out and apply!

Don't forget the informal open house on the Flint Rock Road project August 20th at the Activity Center from 6 to 8 P.M.  There will be a presentation on the project and drawings and maps will be available for viewing.  

CBC will meet in regular session next Wednesday, August 22, 2013.  Here is that agenda.  It appears they will have a very short meeting on Thursday!

From Chessie Zimmerman - Deputy City Manager:
Dale Delong reports that this week the west end of Lakeway Blvd from Lakeway Dr. to Flamingo was crack-sealed to help extend the life of the road, and that new mulch beds were installed around about 55 trees on the medians on the far west end of Lakeway Blvd near Flamingo.

DRuth Sandoval reports that the state Office of Court Administration requested all courts to review a list on their website to verify that our court is reporting correctly.   Many courts are reporting a large percentages of cases under the “all Other Dispositions” line of the criminal section.  Fortunately, the Lakeway court is not one of those on the red hot list.  Cases reported as disposed to the OCA should be reported as uncontested dispositions, convictions with a guilty plea or nolo contendere, convictions by the court, or one of the dismissal categories. The line for all other dispositions categories should contain very few cases.  Also, the Lakeway court is now allowing defendants to e-file Driving Safety Courses Completion Certificates and Driving Records.  Defendants can contact the court for more information.

Troy Anderson reports that BDS staff met with a group on Wednesday to talk about automating some of the city’s GIS processes, and met with McComis Inspections to discuss record retention and archiving. This afternoon, staff is executing administrative search warrants to perform post 90 day inspections of the substandard structures on Mettle and Medalist. 

Police Blotter:
A pest control worker was attacked by dog in the 15000 blk of Joseph Dr.  The victim was able to fend off the dog without being bitten or otherwise injured.  The dog, on the other hand,  sustained a laceration to the head when the worker struck the dog with the pesticide applicator/hose. 

A burglary/UUMV occurred at Live Oak pro shop.  An Officer was conducting a self-initiated security check of the premise and discovered that some golf carts were missing.  The officer and his partners began an investigation that culminated a short time later with the recovery of the stolen golf carts and several subjects in custody.

An officer initiated a traffic stop in the 800 blk of 620 N. that culminated in the driver being arrested for possession of marijuana. (0.75 ounce)

Officers responded to two different crashes on Lakeway Blvd. that involved single cars that had left the road way and rolled over. Our Motorcycle units will be looking into the causative factors of these crashes and will be working this area of the boulevard to increase driver awareness of the dangers associated with driver inattention. 

Detectives made three arrests this week. Two people were arrested in connection with a burglary of a vehicle, which occurred in June, at a residence on Challenger. Detectives arrested another person for theft of funds that were mistakenly direct deposited to her account by her former employer.

Multiple Burglaries of a Building and Unauthorized Use of Motor Vehicles from the Live Oak Golf Course were cleared. These crimes appear to have been committed by two different groups of juveniles over the past couple of months. The assigned detective received information from the managing employee of the golf course reporting that the business had received restitution for damages from one group of parents and did not wish to pursue charges. The second group is believed to have committed two burglaries in the past week. This second group was apprehended by patrol officers the night of the second burglary and transferred to Gardner – Betts Juvenile Justice Center. The second group is also linked to the Criminal Mischief that occurred at the Lakeway City Park.

A man and woman stole groceries from Randall’s on 8/10/2013. The store manager confronted the couple in the parking lot while they were loading groceries into the vehicle. The manager photographed the couple and the shopping cart. The couple left the partial cart of groceries in the parking lot. The female suspect was identified through investigation and an arrest warrant was issued this week.
A busy week for the police!

That's all I have for right now - more as I find out!  Have a safe weekend and enjoy the nice weather - we got .45 inches of rain Thursday evening and Friday morning!  The occasional rains have been wonderful for our yards and landscaping. Remember, once a week watering is in effect - the lake is steadily going down!

Joe Bain

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