Saturday, July 27, 2013

Sad Week - more news!

I'm sure everyone has heard the terrible news that one of our Police Officers was killed in an auto accident on his way to work Thursday morning.  Sergeant Chris Doles began his tenure with the Lakeway Police Force on July 25, 2011, was promoted to Sergeant in September of 2012.  Sergeant  Doles was a member of Lakeway Honor Guard and also received Meritorious Service Medal at the Lakeway Police Department and Lakeway Police Foundation’s annual gala December 2012.  Sgt. Doles is survived by wife, Kristen, and three children. He was a guardian to his niece and nephew.  Here is a link to more information.  Funeral service information is here along with information about a fund set up for the family.  Our condolences and prayers go out to the family and friends of Sergeant Chris Doles.

Monday's Budget Work Session has been cancelled in light of the service for Sergeant Doles.  It will be rescheduled for August 12, 2013 - this was the scheduled second session.  

The walkway handrail on the new bridge at Lake Chandon (New bridge by the Lakeway Church on Lakeway Blvd.) will be completed on Monday - looks a lot better already.

Per Dale Delong, because of yet another flooding issue at Explorer and Knarr, Public Works staff built up the berm along Knarr a couple more feet to help prevent and further flooding until a permanent solution can be implemented.

Lexus of Austin has mailed information regarding their proposed development to each residential address along Clara Van and in Bella Montagna.  They have invited residents to attend a meeting on July 30th at 7PM at the Activity Center.  Chessie Zimmerman will attend for the City to listen to the discussion.  The comments I have heard of received by email have all been positive except for one - I am happy to see Lexus getting involved and continuing a dialog with area residents.

Lakeway Mud along with the other MUD's in Lakeway are going to Stage 3 water restrictions on August 1, 2013 if they are not already at that level.  This means 1 day a week watering - here is a link to more information.  We have been very lucky this year to have had some much needed rain that is keeping Lakeway green (about a 1/4 inch this morning!) - unfortunately, there has been no extended rain event that would improve our lake levels.

On other area news, I have heard that Covert expects to have two dealerships on their property on Hwy. 71.  I don't have any further info on that.

That's all I have for now - I'll update you if anything breaks!

Please send me an email if you want to be included on my notification list -

Thanks for looking!

Joe Bain

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