Saturday, July 20, 2013

Big Week - Check it Out!

Well, it's been a pretty big week in Lakeway!  Let's see what went on.

Monday night was a pretty uneventful Council meeting - here is that agenda.  Police Manager Benny Reid was recognized for his service and congratulated on his retirement from the Police organization in Lakeway - Thanks Benny for your years of service!

There was a first reading on several tracts being annexed into Lakeway in the Highlands per the developer's request.  Sone Zoning matters were taken care of, a plan revision was approved in Serene Hills and the City Code was amended concerning lot sizes and buffers in the Major Medical zoning.

Wednesday brought the Economic Forecast Luncheon sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce at the Lakeway Resort and Spa.  Steve Jones, Lakeway City Manager made the first presentation - here is the PowerPoint he used.
Good news, sales tax up, construction and development are looking good and he talked about some of the major projects accomplished and in the works.

Presentations were also made by Zelda Auslander, Bee Caves Council Member, Brad Lancaster, EdD, Superintendent of Schools and Dave Kreye, CEO Lakeway Regional Center.  There are links to their presentations also - just click their names.  Be patient, the Power Points are large!  There is good information in all the presentations - too much for me to cover here - browse through the presentations at your leisure!

You might have heard about the Lexus Customer Convenience Center or satellite dealership that is being proposed for Lakeway.  It would be located on a 20 acre tract on the North side of Clara Van and 620.  They are proposing a "Luxury" center that would keep the current topography of the land and retain much of the natural trees on the site.  It would be low density (currently 40%) and would include a traffic light at Clara Van.  The City is currently gathering comments and concerns from the surrounding neighborhood.  Here is a link to Devin's blog post for even more information.  The other 20 acres of the site is proposed for high-end restaurants and retail.  There are approximately 5,000 Lexus's in the 78734 and 38 zip codes.  The previously proposed project for this site would have been a HEB that would have leveled the property and taken all the vegetation and would have required multi-family housing on the other 20 acres.

Next week the CBC will meet in regular session - here is that agenda.

From Steve Jones by Chessie Blanchard:
Administrative staff continues to work closely with representatives of major projects in the Lakeway area.  Staff attended meetings this week with representatives from Lakeway Medical Village, Abercorn International School, and Lexus of Austin.  Staff also participated in the development of updated base data for the CAMPO 2040 Plan, and met with the city’s personnel benefits liaison to discuss options for the upcoming fiscal year.  Steve Jones’ presented at the Lake Travis Chamber of Commerce Economic Forecast event on Wednesday, focusing on the strong economic recovery in the area. Steve’s presentation was well-received by the audience.

Troy Anderson, BDS Manager, reports that Monday night’s council meeting resulted in the annexation and zoning of 63.6 acres of land known as Lakeway Highlands Phase 2 Section 5. The acreage will accommodate approximately 63 new home sites along with greenbelts, private parks and irrigation tracts.  The city council also approved a revision to the preliminary plan for Serene Hills subdivision, and an amendment to the MMC - Major Medical Center zoning district regulation.  Troy also reports that it’s now been 60 days since the public hearing for abatement of public nuisances at 111 Medalist and 15206 Mettle.  Inspections of the properties earlier this week confirmed that no improvements have been made.  In accordance with court orders, the City has secured the premises and is now awaiting the 90 day benchmark.  Staff continues to work closely with the City’s prosecuting attorney in maintaining the timelines for abatement of these public nuisances.

Ruth Sandoval, Chief Court Clerk, reports that this week we had night court with Judge Brown presiding for 24 cases.  For the final court docket, 11 cases entered a plea of no contest closing their cases as convictions with full payment of the fine and court costs, 3 cases were dismissed by the judge, 4 defendants requested an extension to pay after entering a plea of no contest, 4 were processed with the state’s recommendation for dismissal after the completion of a defensive driving course, 1 was found guilty with a conviction, and 2 cases were assigned to pay with community service hours for any non-profit organization.

And to make it better, we got some much needed rain this week!  Although it wasn't enough to help the lake much it did make the community look a lot better with all the vegetation turning green and I'm sure our water usage went down for the week.  

On the down side, it appears Liberty Hill has worked out a deal with Leander to buy water from Lake Travis - they have been paying for it for years but had no way to transport it to their city.  They have been paying for the right to get nearly 200 million gallons a year from LCRA - now they have a way to get it through Leander.  Just another straw drawing water from a depleted resource.

That's all for today - I hope you have a GREAT weekend!

Joe Bain

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