Saturday, June 1, 2013

Accidents, Fraud Report, Water Restrictions and More!

Today is the Free Summer Kick Off-off the Summer schedule at the Lakeway Activity Center - June 1, 10am - 2pm.  Here is a link to more information.

There was an accident on Lakeway Blvd. yesterday at about 3:45 close to the Swim Center.  Looks like the driver was distracted and ran over a stone mailbox - lots of damage to the car and the mailbox was of course destroyed.  I understand there was another accident on Lohmans a few minutes later.  Our traffic load is increasing and drivers need to pay attention.  I hope no one was hurt in either of these two occurrences.

Apparently people are still trying to get your money - a utility fraud scheme has been reported in Lakeway.  Here is a link to more information.

The Bridge work on Lakeway Blvd. has been progressing on schedule.  Most of the "in the water" work is almost complete and soon they will be finishing up the roadway.  It will be nice to be back to normal!

I have heard from a reliable source that the Chili's on 620 has been sold to IHOP.  WOW won't that be GREAT!  Chili's is reported to be moving into the Galleria sometime this Summer.  I hope it's true!

Be ready!  Although we have had wonderful rain this month, the area Lakes have not seen enough runoff to make much difference.  Last I heard, Lake Travis was at 37-38% full, predictions are that without a significant rainfall we would run out of water in two years.  Scary isn't it!  We will be soon going to the next level of restrictions on outdoor watering - 1 day a week again.  Austin is already on that schedule.  Maybe we should all take more interest in the way LCRA manages our water!  Currently they are sending water downstream for the estuaries on the coast.  More on this I'm sure!

From Steve Jones:
The Visitors Commission is moving forward with their “branding” project.  The committee handling this is scheduled to hear presentations from the five finalists during the week of June 10.

Our contractor is still on schedule for the Lakeway Boulevard culvert project.  The culvers are in place and both headwalls have been poured.  The guardrail on the upstream side has been installed and they are almost finished with that side of the project.  Work on the downstream side should be substantially complete next week and the asphalt should be installed within two weeks.  The failure of this culvert has demonstrated the need for a survey of our culverts and an assessment of their condition.  The public works department has begun this effort.

We have tentatively set the date of August 21 for a public meeting for the Flintrock Road project.  The engineer expects to have preliminary plans drawn up for presentation to the public at that time.  We ran into a small problem with obtaining a permit from the Balcones Canyonlands Conservation Plan.  It turns out that the western portion of the road is within “unconfirmed habitat” of the Golden-cheeked Warbler and requires a permit from the BCCP and payment of a mitigation fee to the BCCP.  The permit forbids any activity that might disturb nesting warblers between May 1 and September 30.  That will hinder our ability to survey the roadway and take boring samples, and that may push back the schedule a little.

From the Chief:
We handled a large juvenile party this week with multiple juveniles cited for possession and two adults arrested for providing alcohol to minors. 

The skate park incident from May 19 has been closed as unfounded, and a press release was sent out detailing our findings.  

Citizens Police Academy experienced the firearms simulator that we acquire from CAPCOG for our department training every year.  Many of the participants were surprised at how fast situations escalate and how difficult it is to think and take action under stress. 

Our community resource officer, Eric Barto, assisted by Officers Andrea Greig and Trevor Mathis and Crime Scene Tech/Dispatcher Will Dolezal put on a forensics and crime scene presentation at Lake Travis High School.  Their presentation was well received, and the seniors who are taking a semester long forensics class were given the opportunity to work with our professionals in a mock crime scene.  Great reviews by staff and students!

Motor units have begun enforcing the “No Trucks” ordinance for the portion of Lakeway Blvd. from Lohman’s Crossing to RR620. 
From Troy Anderson:
The City welcomed a new Code Enforcement Officer to it's ranks.  Welcome Anthony Villareal!

From Andra Dearing: 
The free Annual Summer Kick-Off for kids and families is this Saturday at the Activity Center from 10am to 2pm.  We will have an indoor planetarium that kids of all ages can go into and learn about the stars and constellations.  Shows will be approximately 20 minutes each.  There will be plenty of other activities with face painters, balloon twisters, pony rides, arts & crafts and more!  Also, despite the rain last weekend, the Swim Center is off to a good start with a great staff.  Everyone is very excited about the summer ahead, and David and Liz are doing a very good job training the new staff.

From Devin Monk: “We’ve got a new blog with the website’s first photo gallery.  I have been helping Carrie Burns and Bob Kirmse to promote the city’s wildfire prevention town hall meeting set for 6:30 p.m. June 26.  We really want a good turnout from the community, so it would be great to get the word-of-mouth going early.  I also helped the PD and Court with their press releases on the alleged child abduction and Jacqui Saburido video donation to the library, respectively.” 

Dale Delong reports, “This week a crew cleaned up the overgrown trees and weeds from the retention pond at City Hall near the cabin.  A crew also repaired sections of the west Lakeway Boulevard trail that washed out after the rains last Friday.  City Forester Carrie Burns diagnosed a live oak tree on the median near Blue Jay with Oak Wilt.  A crew put some treatment canisters out to try to save the tree.  Only time will tell if it is successful.  The pond management company came out on Thursday to treat the nuphar in Duck Lake pond.  They will be back in two weeks to apply a second application.”

That's all for now - have a GREAT weekend!

Joe Bain


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