Saturday, May 25, 2013

Two Council Meetings and More!

Of course the big news Friday and today is the rain!  So far, I have about 3 inches at the Airpark and it looks like more is on the way.  Last night on the news they reported that the lake had not risen at all.  Most of this rain is not in the right place to help our poor lake, it's going down the river!

As of last week, the forecast was to go to restricted use of water early Summer - meaning 1 watering day a week and other restrictions.  The lake is at 37% full.

Have you lived in Lakeway 25 years or more??  The Lakeway Heritage Commission hosts a luncheon each year for people who have lived here for 25 years or more.  If you did not receive an invitation to this year’s luncheon and you qualify, please call Peggy Point at 261-8154 to be put on the list.  The luncheon will be June 7 at 11:00 a.m. at the Activity center.

Don't forget the Memorial Day celebration at the Heritage Center.  It starts at 10AM and will feature Retired Marine Gunnery Sgt. Allen Bergeron as the guest speaker.  Here is a link to more info.

The construction on Lakeway Blvd. continues.  The contractor has had to pull off because of the current rain event, but two lanes of the road is usable and traffic is flowing well. 

The City of Lakeway is now producing it's own blog - check it out - Devon has finally found a way to scoop me!

From Steve Jones:
Chief Radford did a presentation on use of force and officer stress to the Citizen's Police Academy Monday night.  The Police Department has also completed training on "self aid" and "buddy aid" to give officers the tools to and education to help themselves and other officers until EMS arrives.  The initial training on the items was developed and delivered by the Emergency Room Staff at Lakeway Regional Medical Center - Thanks!

Troy Anderson reports City Staff has followed up on the court hearing on 111 Medalist and 15206 Mettle and has posted orders on the property and in the newspaper, filed orders with the Travis County Clerk and City Secretary and have sent Certified mail to all property owners, mortgagees and lienholders of interest.  They have 30 days to respond.

Andra Dearing reminds us that the Swim Center opens this weekend - Sat. 12pm - 8pm, Sun. 12pm - 6pm, Mon. 12pm - 8pm.  Here is a link to Andra's latest report!

Sledge Engineering has started working on a pavement inventory for the City.  Once this inventory is completed, the results will be used to develop a comprehensive road maintenance program.  It will take months to complete.

Another group is taking bore samples at various locations and these results will help the city develop design specifications for major road repairs on the main thoroughfares in Lakeway.
The City Treasurer, Al Tyson, has had a rough month.  He was in a serious auto accident and now has been undergoing surgery for an issue found from tests preformed because of the accident.  Please keep Al in your thoughts and prayers - he seems to be doing well after the surgery!

The Council met in regular session Monday evening.  Here is that agenda

The Oath of Office was administered by Judge Kevin Madison.  The Mayor, Dave DeOme was sworn in for a third term and three Council Members, Phil Brown, Jim Powell and I were sworn in after the Mayor.

Outgoing Council Members Alan Tye and Dennis Wallace were honored for their service to the community with plaques and a standing ovation.  I would personally like to thank both of them for their service!

Dave Taylor was elected to the position of Mayor Pro Tem unanimously by the Council.

Funding of about $32k was approved to keep the 911 PSAP in our dispatch center.  It appears that we are slightly below (about 1 call per day) the number that would enable County funding.  With our growth, this should revert to County funding in the next year or two.

Items 8 and 9 were approved and had been discussed in previous meetings.

The Council then met in Special Session on Wednesday at 1PM in a work session to work on the City's CIP.  Here is that agenda.

The Results of the May 11, 2013 election were canvassed and approved.

There was a presentation on the proposed capital improvements plan for projected public facility needs.  The big ticket items discussed were a Police and Municipal Courts Building ($6,700,000), Parks and Rec facility ($1,600,000) City Hall Expansion ($800,000).  All of these items need one thing first and that is a place to put them.  Two areas discussed are some land on Lohmans owned by the Lakeway MUD and part of the land currently slated for the Town Center project.  Council gave the City Manager and Mayor approval to look into these and other areas to possibly purchase land for the City.  More to come on this.

Although the City is not directly involved, we are going to try to get involved in a long-range thoroughfare plan to relieve the congestion on RR 620.  The idea of a connector toll road to connect 45 and 130 is being floated with some of the entities that more or less manage these projects.  Note the orange line on the map. 

It would be nice to be successful on this project.  Here is more information from Devon's blog.

There was a lot of good discussion at the work session and hopefully we can continue to keep Lakeway the finest City in the US!

See you at the Memorial Day Celebration!

Joe Bain

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