Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Special Edition - LW Blvd., Court Cases - Medalist, Mettle

Conduits being installed.
Well the repair of Lakeway Blvd. is progressing although the rain has caused some pretty interesting issues.  After the rain last week, water from Hurst Creek caused the temporary dams to become loose and allow the area to become flooded again.  Both of the dams were required to be relocated and repositioned to allow work to continue. 
Dam on North Side

These pictures were taken 5/13.  The contractor had 12 of the ne concrete conduits installed.  Click on the pictures to expand them to full size and you can see much more detail.

Two 3 inch pumps - full blast!
 Here are some pictures from this morning, 5/15.  We received another inch of rain last night and the water is again up to the point where there were questions whether the dams would hold up.  As you can see in the first picture, they have two temporary 3 inch pumps going - there is a 10 inch to the right out of the picture.  The have ordered two more 10 inch pumps and they are on the way.  All of the conduits are in place and some dirt is on top of them - you could drive across it with a truck.  Today they are working to move fill in and compact it and will be building the wing walls.  The contractor feels that without any more large issues two lanes of the road will be open this weekend.

Two additional 3 inch pumps on line.
 It looks promising.  I appreciate all of the citizen's patience!

The Lakeway Court with Judge Kevin Madison presiding met Tuesday evening at 6PM to address two cases where houses in Lakeway had become in such a state of disrepair that the City was forced to do something with them.  The first was at 111 Medalist - a home featured in the tv reality show Hoarders, Buried Alive.  The garage roof had collapsed, and part of the roof on the home had also collapsed.  There were many other issues including black mold throughout the house, no electricity, water and a septic tank overflow in the house.  The owners had moved out several months ago and no one was present representing the owners or the lien holders.  The house was judged to be past the point of repair.  Judge Madison ruled that the owner has 30 days to demolish the house, if that is not done, the lien holders have 30 days to do the same.  If that is not done the City was ordered to demolish the house and remove all the debris.

The second case was a house at 15206 Mettle.  This house was in even worse shape than the other one.  Two resident neighbors testified and were in favor of the demolition.  The judge also ordered it to be demolished in the same fashion as the one on Medalist. 

The proceedings lasted until about 8:30PM.  No one was present representing either of the homeowners or lien holders.

I'll have more soon - stay tuned!

Joe Bain

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