Sunday, October 14, 2012

What's Happening Around Lakeway!

First, thanks to Andra, here's the weekly Parks and Rec. report.  Check out the events coming up!

The Great Goblin Glow is coming up Saturday October 27 at City Park.  Here is a link to more information.

City Council will meet in regular session Monday, 10-15-2012 at 6:30PM in Council Chambers.  Here is that agenda.  It will be a short meeting!

Judge Madison will be holding "Traffic Safety Night" at the Municipal Court Thursday, November 1, 2012 from 6:00 to 9:00 PM.  Come meet the judge and his staff - there will be programs on distracted driving and a presentation by the award winning "Danger Without Intentions".  Here is a link to the poster!

Once again, I would like to bring up the Bond on the ballot in Lakeway.  The Lakeway Bond will pay our part to rebuild Flint Rock Road and make it safe.  Here is a link to FAQ's about the bond.  Please let me know if you have any questions!

Breakfast With Santa is quickly approaching at the Activity Center.  Tickets are on sale now - better get'em quick!  Call the Activity Center at 512-261-1010 for more information.

From Steve Jones:

Rachel Wallace reported that our deer trapping has started and is a little slow so far.  The abundance of acorns is probably one of the factors!

A citizen's dog was inured by a deer this week.  Please be sure you restrain your pets - the deer will do a lot of damage if a dog gets loose and chases them.

The Lakeway Texaco group has closed on the Village Service Station this week - hooray!  The new owners are hoping to be open for business by Thanksgiving.  I noticed someone working there today in fact!  Congrats and the best of luck!

Troy Anderson reported that, “A presentation was made to the City Building Commission for consideration of a code amendment that would eliminate the height limitation of 32 feet in GUI zoning districts.  In turn, the code would require a CBC height determination for all new construction and additions in GUI districts.  Ultimately, the CBC chose to table this item until the next regular meeting so that they can visit the site and ponder the long-term implications.

Sales tax reports indicate that our sales tax has increased by a little more than 9% for both the month and year-to-date.  Also of note; Lake Travis Library District sales tax receipts are up 11% over October of last year, and they are up 23.5% year-to-date.  This bodes well for the district’s ability to make its bond payments to us.

Our financial advisor, Alan Westerman, advises that the municipal bond market is still favorable and we should move forward with issuing the refunding bonds that the Council authorized earlier this year.  The bonds (Series 2004) are callable now, except for a very small portion that can be called on February 1.  The proposed refunding produces a net savings of $357,000 over the remaining life of the bonds, and the average annual savings is $27,462.  We plan to move forward with the sale, with a scheduled closing in late November.

Our emergency management coordinator and city forester are moving ahead with an effort to become recognized by the National Fire Protection Association as a Firewise Community.  Staff plans to make a detailed presentation on this to Council at the November meeting.
Thanks for your support!  Tell your friends if you like the blog and tell me if you don't.  Thanks for all the support!

Joe Bain

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