Saturday, June 16, 2012

Big Week - Check it out!

Council meets Monday at 6:30 PM in regular session, here is that agenda.  As you can see, it will be a busy evening.  There will be an Executive Session at 5:30 PM - Council will be meeting with attorneys on two subjects, The Lakeway Airpark South permits and zoning and for information on Recovery Ways.  Here is that agenda

HEB met with City Staff this week with a new twist.  They are looking at the Neiman property on 620 as a site for another possible HEB store.  There is about 45 acres in the tract, they want to put the store in the middle and would like to put low density multifamily on the two sides.  I for one am not a fan of multifamily, so we will be looking at alternatives.

An Aurora Las Encinas Hospital was looking into putting a 100 bed acute care mental health facility in at the new Medical Village.  There was a meeting held with representatives and some citizens that showed interest on the Recovery Ways issue were invited to attend.  The outcome was evidently not very positive and I was present at City Hall when Mayor DeOme received a call from the Vice President and was told they were looking for alternate locations.  GREAT news!

From Steve Jones:

Andra Dearing reports the Contractor is working on landscape upgrades to the upper level of City Park and will continue throughout next week.  I expect some pictures and will include them soon.  It should look GREAT.

There have been some complaints about the poor street patching on Flintrock Trace - some utility lines were installed by Water District 17 and the temporary patch became very rough.  The permanent patch was installed this week and it should be much better.  There are plans to overlay Flintrock Trace in the next few weeks with fresh asphalt and it should improve the appearance and extend the life of the road.

Travis County has requested that Lakeway add a right turn lane to Debba Road at RR 620 because of traffic congestion.  Most of the traffic at this intersection comes from outside the city - installation of the lane would cost around $50K and it's hard to justify.  It might be worth sharing the expense with the county - more on this soon.

The Travis County Transportation and Natural Resources Department is making progress on the Bee Creek Road improvement project.  The construction plans and specifications are nearly complete.  The county has requested that we enter into an interlocal agreement on the project to document our respective responsibilities.  The county is responsible for construction of Bee Creek Road.  Lakeway is responsible for dedication of some right-of-way within our jurisdiction, the realignment of Bee Creek Road north of the traffic circle on Highlands Boulevard, and the widening of Highlands Boulevard from two lanes to four lanes.  Most of our obligations will be passed on to Las Ventanas under the terms of the development agreement for Rough Hollow/Lakeway Highlands.  The only obligation not covered by the development agreement is the dedication of a narrow strip of right-of-way from the Serene Hills Subdivision.  We are hopeful that the developer will donate that right-of-way to the project, and the city will have no out-of-pocket expense for the project.

We recently updated our cost estimate for the proposed improvements to Flint Rock Road.  As you know, this is scheduled to go to the voters in November.  If approved by the voters, it is critical that the amount authorized at the election is sufficient to cover the project cost.  Therefore we asked our consultant to update the cost estimate that was originally done one year ago.  In this update we took a closer look at right-of-way cost, damages to the remainder (such as replacing mailboxes, fences, and stone entryways), and more recent construction cost data.  The result is a total cost estimate of $9M with the city’s share being $4.249M and the county’s share being $4.758M.  These numbers are necessarily conservative.


That's all I have for the moment - more as I hear about it!

Thanks for reading the blog!

Joe Bain

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