Monday, September 7, 2020

Weather, Lakeway Church Construction, Council, Charter Amendments and More!


Who would have thought?  Rain two days last week, a little cooler and a cold front this week with lows in the low 60's - yes, the 60's. And possible rain throughout the week.  Interesting time for weather!  I am really happy for the rain!  Of course, it's 95° as I write this blog....

*****Lakeway Church Construction*****

The Church Construction is moving ahead at a steady pace.  Here are some interior pictures I took today.

Supposed to be cleaning up next week for installation of the flooring and some finish work.  Air conditioner is on and working!  Click on the pictures for a larger view.

More next week if they move the equipment out!

*****Council Tuesday Night*****

Council will meet Tuesday at 6:30 PM.  Here is the agenda / packet.  They will have a public hearing on the budget.  The draft budget shows a tax increase.  Consider the additional value you are getting for more taxes... Let me know what you come up with.

There is also a presentation on the Wildfire Fuels Reduction Project.  That's where they are spending the left over money from the Police Station Project.  Not on police, but the folks backing up to the greenbelts they are clearing will really appreciate the expenditure.  (About 5% or less of the citizens)

They are also working on a new Hotel Tax Policy.  That seem to be burning a whole in their pockets.  Honestly, I'm not sure what or how they should spend it, but I'm sure they will come up with something.  It would be nice if the money would benefit a significant percentage of the population without exasperating our traffic problems.

This is a miracle meeting.  There is no Executive Session on the agenda - that doesn't mean they won't have one but at least it doesn't appear to be planned.  

*****Charter Amendment Election*****

Not much has been said lately, you might have forgotten.  The November election will have 8 Charter Amendments on the ballot. Many of these were not recommended by the Charter Review Committee - they were recommended by the Council.  You will see a lot more on this in the next few weeks.  It is an important election and you need to know what the current administration wants to change in our city.  Luckily, one they tried was prohibited by State Law... 


That's all for today - more real soon.  We will be going over the amendments and pointing out why my opinion is to vote it all down.  

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Joe Bain

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