Thursday, June 25, 2020

Weather, Phone Books, Council Results and Another Rant!

Let's start with the easy things!  


A nice surprise when we received .12 inch of rain Saturday morning, .83 inch on Tuesday, .01 inch Wednesday and more on the way!  It looks like more chances this weekend with the greatest opportunity on Friday.  Unfortunately, we will be experiencing Sahara Dust.  What does that mean?  Means allergies will be active if you suffer and probably a light layer of dust outside.  Never know in Central Texas!

*****Phone Books*****

The Lakeway Civic Corporation has published the 2020 Lakeway Residents Directory!  Due to the corona virus, the printed directories will not be delivered to homes; however, the books are available now for pickup by residents at the Lakeway Activity Center and the City Hall daily from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.  Here is a link to the complete information letter.  You can also access it online at .  You can also sign up at that address.  

*****June 15, 2020 Council Meeting*****

As is normal now, meeting was held via videoconference.  SUCCESS!  All members stood for the pledge. 

Consent agenda was passed unanimously.  It included minutes from previous meetings, a bank services contract, a Mutual Aid Agreement between Austin and the City for EMS to use the old Police Station to base an ambulance and crew (including sleeping quarters), an appointment of an Assistant City Secretary (congratulations go to Dena Lindamood) and the Treasurers Report.

12)  Financial Impact of Covid -19 - report given, City is in good financial shape.

13)  Zoning change was approved for 1829 Lohmans Crossing from GUI to C-1 Commercial.

14-15)  Postponed until July 20.

16)  Interlocal agreement to share costs of an Emergency Management Coordinator with Bee Cave (27.11%- $21,011) and Village of the Hills (10.08%- $7,812).  Lakeway of course sucks up the majority at 62.81%- $46,680, plus the facilities and office space.  After significant discussion, approved unanimously.  There was discussion about this item being taken into executive session on June 4, and the attorney said it was all legal.  You might remember, this was discussed, planned and document written with no input from citizens until this meeting.  More secrets.

17)  Some explanation of reasons for importance of small business assistance program.  The City was developed and initiated as a residential community and originally did not even include the 620 corridor.  It seems we are morphing into a city that our leaders feel the necessity to support and even supplement businesses in the City.  There was no real discussion of how or where this was going - they took that into Executive Session.  On the last Mayors Facebook update, she said the council had worked on and had a "good" plan to move forward with this.  Obviously this was discussed and "planned" in the Executive Session.  Not allowed?

18)  Executive Session - Oaks PUD/Stratus Real Estate Issues.

19)  Executive Session - Project Granite - is the city working on subsidizing a business with money or tax subsidies?  The city has not done this in it's 50 year history.  Are they going to help all the businesses?  Since council members are business operators, are they recusing themselves from any opportunities suggested?  I guess we will finally see if it happens.  If it follows other precedence, we will see it the night they pass it. 

Meeting closes a little before 10 - no action taken on any Executive Session item.

*****Where is the City? Another Rant*****

It seems the city has entered a "dark" time.  Many things are not shared with residents under the auspices that they are legal issues and are handled in Executive Session.  I can tell you this current council has had more Executive sessions than the previous 5 administrations COMBINED.  

We have had TWO high level employees FIRED.  Although the city reports they resigned, that was forced.  No data released.  I have had a conversation with the previous City Manager and the BDS Director.   

The morale is getting worse all the time and there are moral issues also.  Employees are being micromanaged and many are concerned they will be next on the chopping block.  They have been warned not to talk about city business to "outsiders", you know, me and several others.

Council continues to micromanage the commissions and committees, that is obvious when any recommendation is brought to council it is micromanaged and changed.  They know best.

I currently have several Open Records Requests being held.  As long as the "city offices" are closed they don't have to produce them.

Flintrock residents, one of the items I am waiting on is the settlement agreement for Cherry Knoll.  Part of the settlement includes 200 condo's with a limit to 8 per acre - sound familiar?  That is the same density requirement as apartments.  No Transportation Study will be required.

I'm very concerned about the current direction the City is going.  Instead of building on our heritage, it seems the elected official want to delete it.

Our City has no racial issues yet we have protests.  I have been proud of of the heritage of inclusion in Lakeway.  Our police protect us without regard to race or color.  One suggestion, comply with the police.  Don't fight, run or disparage an officer - they are human too.  Much of the country seems to have no morals nor manners.  Thanks to the Lakeway Police for their service!
The Lakeway Church Construction is continuing at a rapid pace! 

That's all for right now.  Sorry for the rants.  The city is very important to me.  I fear the best little town in Texas is changing in ways that seems foreign to me.

Thanks for all the support!  We need to be safe and continue to social distance and protect each other.

If you want to be added to my blog email list, send a note to and I'll get it done!  Enjoy the moderate weather, it's gonna be hot real soon!

Joe Bain

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