Well, we had some fireworks last night! Two rounds hit Lakeway, the first was a pop up storm that came up from the South East and gave us about .69 inch of rain. The second was a line from the West that hit about 11:30 or 12:00 that dumped about .87 inch for a total of 1.56 inches. Lots of thunder an lightning, hopefully no damage around the city. Looks like the rest of the weekend (is it still a weekend?) will be nice with seasonable temperatures - lows in the high 60's and highs in the low 90's. Low humidity's will make it comfortable!
Did you see the Thunderbirds? They actually flew right over our Airpark! What an outstanding presentation. Here is a video that was stolen from NextDoor and then stolen from an Airpark buddy that posted it - enjoy!
*****City Building Commission (CBC)*****
Here's the Agenda no Packet was provided.... No video is provided and the meeting was conducted via video-conference - if you wanted to comment you could do it if you submit an email to the city before 3:00 pm on Wednesday. There was no way to audit the meeting.
4) View blocking, 1022 Challenger. House behind claimed loss of view, that house was 1 story. Houses on each side were 2 story, even a 1 story new home would have been an issue. View blocking was determined not to be an issue.
5) View blocking, 601 Dragon. Height approved.
6) Variance request for incursion into 25' setback. Corner lot with two setbacks, requested 1' into setback - granted.
7) Variance for drainage 405 Bowcross Point. Granted with extenuating circumstances. Last home on block, all had same issue and only caught on this plan. Granted with "Rain Garden" detention pond.
8-9) Variance for heights on two properties on East and West side of Bee Creek Road at Highlands Blvd. All granted.
10) 210 Gannet Cove was granted allowance for pool construction.
Meeting adjourned about 11:00 am.
*****Council Meeting*****
There will be a regular meeting Monday, May 18, 2020. Here is the agenda / packet.
3-4) Swearing in of elected officials and appointment of Mayor Pro Tem - should be interesting.
6-10) Minutes, Validity of Electronic Signatures, Investment Report and Treasurer's report.
11) Financial Report - even with the pandemic, they are $575K to the good on the budget.
12) Update on the financial impact of the Chinese Pandemic.
13) Ordinance adding fees and rules for special events - I guess we are overwhelmed.
14) Discussion on Hotel Tax and Economic Recovery. More on this after I have a chance to hear about it - no information in the packet.
16-23 - Executive Sessions. Really? One has to wonder why this is so secret - here's some info.
16) Oaks PUD / Stratus - seems the city is compelled to fight with Stratus, sometimes a little negotiation can do wonders - however, I'd rather they didn't give away the farm. One has to wonder why this is all in secret with no information for months and months.
17) Lakeway Highlands / Rough Hollow - This Development Agreement was approved in 1997 - all legal, sealed and signed. Why is this going on for months and months with no information to the public?
18) Project Granite is poking it's head up again. Another project that has gone on for months and months with no public information. You know, Executive Sessions are not for deliberation on how to do things, especially projects without any public input.
19) Creation of a Full-Time Emergency Management Coordinator Position - I guess the Mayor, City Manager and Police Chief are overwhelmed - what exactly necessitates this? Another costly position that will never go away.
20) Now this is an interesting one. Legal issues relating to the annexation of property NW of Bee Creek Road that was done in 2014 - 6 years ago.
21) Issues relating to the RR 620 Project deferment. Yup, as I said, this money was moved to IH 35 and will delay the project significantly. What about the center median, will they delay that?
22) Issues relating to the Coronavirus Relief Fund Allocations - I guess we are getting some money from the state? Secret Stuff (SS)
23) Issues pertaining to the COVID-19 Case Management Data - well, who knows, they are secretly managing more data.
*****Well, it will be interesting if they make any decisions or discuss anything in public. Seems like a lot of SS (Secret Stuff) going on. No public input needed - it looks a lot like the National stuff.
*****Bee Cave had a real meeting last week - the new mayor wrote a Facebook post and said it was a LONG meeting - lasted until 9:30....
*****What do you think? Is it too soon to get back to open meetings?
Garages of Texas is moving forward - lots of dirt work going on.
That's all for today, more after the Council Meeting. I'm sure there will be a lot of info published.
If you or someone you know would like some aerial photo's, please consider Sky Pictures - we are up and running!
If you would like to be added to my email list, please send a note to lakeway@bain.us and I'll get you added.
Thanks again for following the blog!
Joe Bain
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