Saturday, April 18, 2020

More Weather, Information on Hold, ZAPCO , Council and More!

*****More Weather*****

Here we go again.  Chance of Thunderstorms with possible high winds and hail.  Not a very big chance but a chance nonetheless.  So, be safe (tired of hearing that yet?) and keep your cars in the garage (staying home anyway aren't you?)  Looks like some rain today and heavier tomorrow morning (Sunday) but then clears up, West wind and much warmer.  I keep thinking it's going to be Summer soon, maybe I should be careful what I wish for!


Ok, it's day 33 (I think) of shelter in place.  I get two or three emails from the city daily, telling me the same thing.  It appears the city feels Facebook is a good medium to get information out to folks.  I know of several that do not have Facebook and don't want it.  Kara King (new mayor of Bee Cave - what a fiasco there) was on her "Mayor's Call with the Governor" and put out her info on Facebook too - here's a link to it - not on Facebook.  At least some different information.  Did you know they have a weekly "Mayors Call"?

To top it off, our County Judge that was supposed to resign to run for the legislature has stayed on the job because of the Pandemic (loophole in the law).  Last week it turns out that it was reported that she was collecting campaign donations without a treasurer.  That's an ethic violation and she knows it.

Mayor Adler and Judge Eckhardt both issued orders for everyone to wear masks when in public - BUT exempted the homeless population they have created.

Boating is not listed under Transportation Exemptions, so you can't take your boat out if you have one. 

Oh and by the way, according to the Texas Department of State Health Services, there are more than 23,000 empty hospital beds in Texas and more than 6,800 unused ventilators.

End of Rant.... 

*****Information on Hold*****

I've done an Open Records Request for the settlement agreement that was agreed to at the last council meeting on the Cherry Knoll lawsuit.  I've also asked for the study done by the YMCA when I was on council.  If I remember correctly, the study showed 20% of the membership would be Lakeway citizens and 80% would be from the surrounding area.  That is why we decided not to go forward with it at that time.

Both requests are on hold per the City Secretary because of the COVID-19 measures.  More when I get a further response.


ZAPCO met in regular session Tuesday at 9:15 a.m. on April 14th via teleconference.  There was no public comment - if you want to comment, you have to send an email by 3 p.m. the day before stating what you want to comment on.  Here is a link to the packet.

4)  Final Plat on 10 acres east of Tomichi Tr. and South of Crosswind Dr. and Hornsby Ln. - Lakeway Highlands Phase 3, Section 5.  approved unanimously to recommend to Council.

5)  Another final plat Highlands Phase 3, Section 6A - Approved unanimously to recommend to Council.

6)  Special Use Permit was approved for 25 acres with frontage on Bee Creek Rd. for a continuing care retirement community.  passed unanimously to recommend to Council.

Meeting lasted 1 hour.  Here's the video.


Council will meet in regular session on Monday April 20 at 6:30 p.m.  Here is a link to the agenda / packet.  If you want to comment, you have to send an email by 3 p.m. stating what you want to comment on.  

 The consent agenda contains several items including 4,5-minutes of previous meetings, appointments to the Economic Development Committee, a bid award for $80,000 to pave parking lots and trails and re-stripe and the Treasurers report.

9)  COVID-19 Update.

10)  Financial Report

11)  Update on previous business

12)  Resolution denying Texas Gas Service's requested rate increase.  This only affects folks in Serene Hills as far as I can tell.

13, 14)  Two plats in Highlands that are recommended by ZAPCO

15)  SUP recommended by ZAPCO for a continuing care retirement community  on Bee Creek Road.

16)  Approve a contract (only one bid received) for $52,200 to renew the plan for our parks.

17)  Trail Connectivity Plan - Consultant will look at projects to get a better idea on costs of projects - cost initially will be $13,800.  This is an initial cost to plan.

18)  Citizen Participation on items not on the agenda.

And now the infamous Executive Sessions!

19)  Real Estate issues relating to PUD/ Stratus Properties.

20)  Issues relating to YMCA MOU 
*****Note:  I have requested a study done by the YMCA  several years ago.  Council has been unresponsive on this except to say they don't have to because of the COVID emergency.  Maybe they should delay meeting on it until they can provide information.***

21)  Real Estate issues reguarding Lakeway Highlands / Rough Hollow Development Agreement.

Spending a LOT of time in Executive Sessions.  A couple of them have dropped off, the "Project Granite" fell off when they started an Economic Development Committee - no information published on this what so ever.

The Cherry Knoll Lawsuit had dropped off because they voted to settle that at the last council meeting.  Wouldn't it be nice to see that agreement?

Hopefully there will be an update on the financial impact of the pandemic on the city's income.  I can tell you that sales tax will fall off some for sure, also I'm betting the requests for building permits has slowed down too.  Maybe we should pull back on expenditures until we see how much money we don't have.  I'm being told that property values are not going to increase much if any this year also the commercial values are likely to decrease too.  I hope we will come through this financially stable.

I hope you enjoy this blog.  I started it a long time ago - I thought it would be a good medium to get information to the citizens of Lakeway about the goings on in the city government.  I also got the council to start the video of the council meetings so folks could more easily see what was going on.  

I think open and transparent government is essential to a good process.

If you have questions or concerns about city issues I report, feel free to email me, I will try to answer or point you to a better source.  

Thanks again for looking at the blog.  If you would like to be added or removed from my email list, send a note to and I'll get you added.

Thanks you!


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