Friday, January 31, 2020

Charter Review, Special Council, Retirement and More!


Looks like we will have a run of pretty good weather for the next few days - lows in the 40's and high's eventually in the 70's.  Not bad for February!  Here's a link to the weather station for current conditions.  Although we still need some rain, a nice period of dry weather will be enjoyable.

*****Charter Review*****

The initial meeting of the Charter Review Committee was Thursday afternoon.  It was basically a meeting to meet others on the committee, discuss the objective of the committee, look at scheduling and work out the process.  Next meeting we will look at the items suggested for examination and set priorities on those items.  Of course, one of the top issues will be the election process that we all know needs to be fixed.  

If you read the Charter, here's a link,  and have comments, please feel free to email me,, and I will take it to the committee for their input.  I suspect some changes will be to bring the Charter into agreement with State law.

Any suggested changes will have to pass council muster and will be voted on by citizens at the November 2020 election.  

We will be meeting every other week with a public meeting on Thursday, March 5th.  Take some time and read the Charter, it is the Cities Constitution.  

I think we have a great group on the committee and I look forward to hearing the input from them and citizens.

*****City Council Special Meeting*****

Special Meeting on Monday, February 3.  Here is a link to the agenda / packet.  

3)  First business on the list is a report from Chair Larry Harlan on the Comprehensive Plan.  There will be another Open House on Wednesday February 5 at the City Hall from 6-8 p.m.  Here is a link to the draft.

4)  Executive Session - Looks like they are discussing a land purchase in South-Central Lakeway.  Probably will have to do with the potential bond discussion (item 6)

5)  Executive Session - Discussion on Real Estate Relating to the Oaks PUD/Stratus Properties.

6)  Review of potential bond projects.  They will need to decide what they want to do this year (at least in May) because the last date to file is February 14.

7)  Council will take up an ordinance calling a bond election for any items decided on in the previous item.

8)  Chief Radford will provide a report detailing possible expansion of the dispatch unit to include the City of Westlake Hills and the City of Rollingwood.  

9)  Governance discussion on the role of council liaisons.  


Officer Hector Almaguer retired on Tuesday, January 28 with 25 years service in the City of Lakeway.  

Officer Almaguer has honorably and faithfully served the City of Lakeway Police Department for 25 years. "We congratulate him on his remarkable career and wish him all the best," said Police Chief Todd Radford. 

Hector was a good friend and I wish him all the best in the world.  Come see us soon!

There's a "Story Walk" set up behind the Lakeway City Hall (where the Trail of Lights was) where children (and adults) can enjoy a Valentine's Day story from a book "I Wish You More".  It will be up from February 1 to February 14.  Enjoy!

Warrant Roundups are coming up this April, so for all my friends that are wanted, please take care of it now!  Here's a link to the Court Website if you have questions!

Hazardous Household Waste Event is on February 12th, 3207 Neidhardt Dr., just off General Williamson Dr. behind the Lake Travis Fire and Rescue Station 601.  

Here's a link to the latest from the Activity Center.  Lots going on there!

That's all for right now!  I hope you enjoy the data.  More as I find out - Council meets Monday, so stay tuned!

If you would like to be added to the email list, please send a note to and I'll get you added.  

Always try to answer any questions I can -  

Joe Bain

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