Monday, October 21, 2019

Weather, 620 Accident, Deer? Meetings and More!


Well, we had a cold front come through this morning complete with a "severe weather warning" and about .33 inch of rain - I slept right through it!  Nice and cool today, moderate temperatures for the rest of the week.  Maybe another chance of rain on Wednesday.  As always you can see the current conditions right here in Lakeway at the 15th Tee Live Oak weather station -  here's he link.

*****Major Accident on 620*****

Last Night there was a major accident at the intersection of 620 and Falcon Head.  One fatality (19 year old male) and a critical injury (16 year old male).  The fatality was found on the street and was administered CPR on the scene and the other was pinned in his vehicle.  A third vehicle was involved but there were no injuries in that vehicle.  This is a tragedy, no info yet on the cause. (Names not included on purpose)


Turns out I do feed the deer - especially at this time of year when the Oak's drop their acorns.  Great crop this year.  Nature can't be helped, the other 10 left before I could get my camera out - these two were more curious than scared - that's not natural - that's the problem!

Now here's a "Poor Mans Feeder" located at the corner of Lido and Kite - been there years.  There's another one on the ground next to it.  Hang a tire from a tree and pour corn in it - residents feeding the deer cause them to stay around and get complacent and almost tame.  They breed and have fawns - a lot have two and sometimes three.  The herd increases by about 35% a year.  The only natural predators around here are the cars.  The herd has tripled in size in the last 3 years since the trapping moratorium was instituted.  
That then results in this problem.  This year we're OK, there was a lot of rain earlier in the year and although we had a drought condition in the Summer we had a pretty good food crop for the deer and other animals.  This is the start of the situation we had 20 years ago.  Over the years, we spoke to many "Wildlife Biologists" to find a better solution - not much available.  Although chemical sterilization is available, it is expensive and is temporary.  It is also illegal in Texas.  Physical sterilization is also a possibility, very expensive, still requires trapping or darting and is also illegal in Texas.  The City formed a "Wildlife Committee" and hired a Wildlife Biologist" over a year ago - they gave a recommendation to Council.  Council in their infinite wisdom, took the recommendation except for the part about limiting the herd.  Now the committee is doing yet another "survey" and is holding two Town Halls, one on November 14 from  6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and on November 15, 2019 from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at the Activity Center.  It should be interesting - I'm sure there will be residents there to argue both sides.  The end effect is when we are once again overrun with deer, the current elected officials will be long gone and a new group will be saddled with the task of fixing the issue.  There are few still around that witnessed the deplorable situation 20 years ago.  If you have a solution and the State approves, email me!


Council tonight - more as I review the outcome.  My guess is we won't hear much about the Executive Sessions.  

That's all for right now, I'm going out to enjoy the beautiful day!

If you would like to be added to my email list, send a note to and I'll get it done!  

Joe Bain

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