Council met in regular session June 17th. Here is that agenda.
Serene Hills Drive now has reflectors so people can stay on the road at night....
Spikes are now off the fence at the Police Facility thanks to a donation.
Police Facility is 98% done, working on warranty issues and an audit is substantially complete with a report promised.
Police Officers are getting help with their diet from HEB and the Lakeway Police foundation. They are furnishing a healthy meal a day for our officers - this is a great donation by HEB and the Police Foundation, thank you!
The remodel / update of the animal shelter facilities has been completed. Thank you to the Lions Club ($17K), Jonathon White Construction ($4K labor donation) and the Lakeway Police Foundation ($1745) for making this possible!
8) BDS Director Charlotte Hodges reported that the overhaul of the city ordinances is moving forward and will continue.
9) TxDOT and CAMPO made a report on the 620 improvement update. There were a many questions and this is a complex project. Some of the biggest issues (other than funding) are right of way issues. That pesky bike lane is one issue along with businesses that are built right up to the right of way.
10) Mike LaRocca, Engagement Committee Chair, gave a report on accomplishments and plans for the future. Looks like they are making an impact! Thanks Mikey.
11) Final re-plat of Lakeway Highlands Phase 1, Sec. 8C was tabled until the Special Meeting scheduled for June 24. There is concern about other issues on this property that have nothing to do with the replat.
12) Special Use Permit was granted to allow medical office use on 3503 Wild Cherry.
After council had an executive session the council adjourned.
Council met in Special Session, here is a link to that agenda.
Council reconsidered tabled Final Re-Plat from the regular meeting on the 17th. Passed unanimously.
Item 4 started with a report from the City Manager that included the Capital Improvement Plan. It was followed by reports from the Committee Chairs of Committees and Commissions with their visions and requests for funding in the budget.
Item 5 was to discuss the Hotel Tax Funds. This money is set aside from tax collected from hotels in the City and has significant restrictions on how it is spent. It seems to be burning a hole in a couple of folks pockets. I agree we need a plan, but lets look into the future to find something to enhance our citizens life in Lakeway. There is no burning reason to spend the money. Comments were made that there have been few funding requests. The City has reached out to all the area hotels, they tend to have National platforms and don't want to mess with the complexities of receiving HOT money.
Three requests have been turned in in the last few months. The Lakeway Resort and Spa requested money for an advertising campaign and received funds unanimously. TexArts has requested monies for several years and has a method to show use of area hotels, at least they have some data - only Councilmember Vance voted against that distribution. The Film Festival also requested and received funds - they have no history and it was passed unanimously. I hope it works out.
There is another Work Session Monday, July 1st at City Hall starting at 6:00 p.m. Here is that agenda.
The Activity Center has a lot going on this Summer! Here's a link to a list of things to check out!
BaylorScott&White has a new newsletter out - here's a link, check it out!
July 4th, Independence Day is upon us! The Theme this year is "Fly Me To the Moon" and the Grand Marshall is Capt. Kenneth Cockrell, U.S. Navy (Ret.)
The Parade starts at 8:30 from Live Oak Golf Course at 510 Lakeway Dr. and ends at the Activity Center. Lakeway Dr. wwill close around 8:00 a.m. for the parade. At 10:30 the Pageant will be in the Activity Center and you will hear from Capt. Cockrell and the winners of the parade will also be announced.
The Swim Center is offering special pricing of $3 / person all day with in and out privileges.
Be careful out there - remember, Fireworks are illegal in Lakeway - this means you!
Enjoy the bit of rain, and enjoy the 4th celebrations. If you would like to be added to my email list, send a note to and I'll get you added.
This is a good time of year to get photo's of your house or property, check out Sky Pictures, I'll get it done for you!
Joe Bain
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