The big news of the week is Jason's Deli's Grand Opening is Monday. I went by and took a couple of pictures - they are ramping up for a crowd. I wish them luck!
Election day is finally here Saturday. Our City's government is serious business. I'm amazed that several candidates woke up one morning and decided to run for council and mayor. It's not a prerequisite to volunteer or be on any commissions or committees but it sure helps to understand some of the issues you will face as an elected official. Some had never been involved at all until they decided they knew what was best because of their social media involvement. The folks so worried about integrity seem to be the ones that can't follow the sign laws and want to be seen as heroes. I for one will be glad it's over.
ZAPCO met in regular session Wednesday. Here is the agenda. As is the norm now, legal counsel was present and was intimately involved.
5) Annexation Request in Rough Hollow. This item was recommended after much involvement by legal council to the council after inclusion of conditions. Much confusion on agreements and how to make the motion. Counsel pretty much made the motion. Recommended and approved unanimously.
6) Final Plat of the previous area. Much conversation of this property from property owners, including water quality. Although the development is under 1997 rules, all water quality and building requirements must meet current standards. An attorney for the landowners outside the city argued several points over about a 20 minute time span. This caused ZAPCO to retire to executive session to consult with the attorney. More speakers after the executive session including a couple of candidates. Since they are not involved, they really don't understand how the development codes and process works and what rules are included.
Passed unanimously.
7) Postponed because applicant was unavailable and since the house is rented the owner must give permission for the business.
8) Simple change to the ordinance to clarify that our practice uses a GIS digital process instead of paper.
9) New signage for Suds Deluxe Car wash was denied unanimously because of design and color issues.
10) Monument sign for Suds Deluxe Car wash was denied unanimously because of design and color issues.
11) Tillman Enterprises sign was approve unanimously.
12) Variance for Lakeway Market was approved 4-3.
This meeting took significantly more time because of the litigious framework we are now in - caused in part by candidates. The system that worked well for 50 years is now in the process of being dismantled. It's going to get worse before it gets better.

The Singalong Show last week was a GREAT success. They had a sell out crowd every night and I think everyone really enjoyed it! Thanks to all those folks that work so hard to put on the production!
I hope everyone is enjoying the rain, please be safe if you're on the roads. It looks like more rain on the way. Thanks for the continued support! If you want to be added to the email list send a note to and I'll make it happen!
Have a GREAT weekend!
Joe Bain
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