Another week has rushed by - it seems like time has sped up! It dropped to 31.8 degrees this morning, it was cold! Especially for December.
Transportation: Looks like the signal at Lohmans Spur is ready to go. The ADA folks found a few issues that need to be corrected and the light is scheduled to go on flash on the 19th of December. It will be fully operational a week or two after that.
The right turn arrow has been reinstalled at Lohmans Crossing and 620. This was inadvertently removed when the signal work was done. I was able to get it reinstalled - thanks to Victor Vargas at TxDOT.
Travis County Commissioner Court has decided my appointment is up on CAMPO at the end of this year. I have asked to be re-appointed and now the court has decided to "Open a Call" for applications for the CAMPO appointment. I will apply through this process and see what happens. I will have more information as this progresses and may ask for letters to be sent to the court - stand by as I see where this goes - small cities representation is important to make sure we are heard in future planning.
The parking lot at Hamilton Greenbelt is substantially complete. We are waiting on striping and now have had a weather delay. Although this project has had its issues no extra money has been spent by the city. The contractor will absorb all the costs of errors and delays. Know that the job will be the quality that is expected of our residents.
Today I was honored to be the "Pronouncer" at the Serene Hills Elementary School. It is one one of the hardest things I get to do, this is my second year. It is truly amazing what words are on this list - many of which I have never heard of, never used and are daunting to pronounce! It is a GREAT event and I will try to post the winners picture next week - they are all winners!
ZAPCO met in regular session this week, signage was approved for a subdivision in Serene Hills and for the Grumpy Grouper and a waiver was approved for Hat Creek Burgers to use artificial turf on their playground area. They also recommended approval for a SUP for a sales office at Tuscan Village and recommended approval of proposed amendments to the city's short term rental ordinance.
This week the Police Facility Committed held their 6th meeting with the architect. they have substantially completed the site layout and are working on the design of the building. Soon we will have information for publication and will have cost information.
CBC will meet in regular session next week December 15th at 9:00 AM - here is a link to their agenda .
We are considering doing a study of the intersection of Lohmans Spur at 620. The traffic movements there are really becoming a safety issue and we need to figure out what will really work here.
Ray Miller, BDS Director and his department have been busy. Here is a link to a the City's building permit activity. Residential starts have leveled off at about 250 a year but commercial starts are about double.
Public Works has been busy also. They have laid out erosion matting on Lohmans Crossing where the power was installed, they planted two trees on Lakeway Blvd. in the 1700 block and they worked a collection event at teh Household Hazardous Waste Recycle Center.
From the Chief:
LPD Officers conducted 153 traffic stops, responded to 9 alarm calls, investigated 8 suspicious circumstance calls, handled 21 animal calls, responded to 7 vehicle crashes and handled 146 other types of calls for service for a total of 344.
Routine traffic stops resulted in the following charges; Out of Jurisdiction Warrants X 1, Possession of Marijuana X 1, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia X 2, and Possession of a Controlled Substance X 2.
Officers responded to a Paragon Court address in reference to a deceased person call. A resident had passed away after a prolonged illness and was in hospice care.
Officers responded to a Maialina Cove address in reference to a theft call. It was learned upon arrival that an electrical box had been stolen from a house under construction. The suspect(s) had cut the wiring to the box to remove it causing damage to the wiring system of the house. Damage estimates are $20,000. This case is under investigation.
Officers responded to a Nautilus address in reference to a missing person call. Officers were advised that a juvenile had run away from the residence and had not been seen for a couple of days. This subject was entered into the missing person’s data base. The subject was later located by officers and transported to Gardner Betts Juvenile Facility.
Officers were dispatched to Baylor, Scott and White emergency room for a combative patient. This patient was brought in by TCSO for evaluation by their Crisis Intervention Team. After the TCSO team left, the subject began highly agitated and began to act aggressively toward staff. LPD officers responded to a 911 call from hospital staff and upon arrival, helped restrain the subject until he could be calmed by medication. The subject is awaiting transfer to a mental health facility.
Detectives were assigned to investigate a Prescription Fraud case which was reported by a local doctor’s office. According to the complainant, they were contacted by a pharmacy in Austin regarding a suspicious prescription for controlled substances they received. It was determined that the prescription was forged and the suspects were identified. Due to the fraud taking place in Austin, the case will be forwarded to the Texas Department of Public Safety for investigation/prosecution.
Working with the Travis County Sheriff’s Office Victim Services Unit and the Travis County District Attorney’s Office, Detective Proctor and Crime Analyst Pagan designed an informational pamphlet for officers to provide to victims of assault by strangulation/suffocation. The pamphlet offers resources and information including information about the escalation of domestic violence, signs & symptoms, and the benefits of counseling.
That's all for now, stay warm, I hear it will be Spring Monday! If you would like to be added to my email list send a note to and I'll get you added.
Joe Bain
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