Friday, November 11, 2016

Traffic Improvements, Veterans Day and More!

If you don't like the weather in Texas, just wait, it will change! Enjoy the fall weather for the next few days!

I had a meeting with the TxDOT Area manager this week about some on the issues on 620.  They will be starting the striping Sunday to finish the current project.  The right turn arrow on Lohmans should return shortly, the median installed between Lohmans Spur and Lohmans seems to be working although it has made another issue more obvious - traffic backs up into the Northbound lane from the light at Lohmans (it has been doing that all along but it's more obvious now).  We are going to try to work toward two left turn lanes Northbound into Lohmans - although it may take a while. 

Another issue is traffic turning left on 620 from Main Street in the Oaks.  We are going to try to make that a 2 lane left turn also.  Some of that I can do, some has to be done by TxDOT.

For those of you unable to attend, the Veterans Day presentation at the LTHS PAC was a great success!  General Tommy Thompson gave a great address to the attendees, the school did an outstanding job and everything went very well.  I am especially happy about the participation by the students and I think it is a great thing for them to see the folks that made and still make out County Great!

Our Police Station Committee met again this week with the architect and contractor to finish the programmatic design of the new station.  They also looked at the site arrangement and access points.

Devin Monk is working with all the departments to work to redesign and update the web site to make the site more attractive, more informative and easier to use.

CBC will meet in regular session next Thursday - here is that agenda.

From BDS:
For the Current Week
New Residential Permits = 3
Total Building Permits Issued = 30
Commercial = 0
Inspections = Conducted 101 Inspections for the Week
New Pools = 2
New Fences = 0
Total Code Enforcement Cases = 85 Total
29 Building Code Violations
2 weeds & nuisance
23 sign Violations
0 Junk Vehicle
11 Trash Can / Solid Waste
3 Litter Violation
2 Parking
2 Short Term Rental
1 Solicitation
5 Stop Work Orders
Update on the City Hall Annex
 New Modular furniture has been order for a total of 8 work spaces. Recent weather will
delay the delivery and installation of the modular furniture.
 Utility Contractor for sanitary sewer has been selected and has begun work installing a
grinder pump.
 Front entrance steps and ADA Ramps has been completed.
Meeting with Abescape on Monday 11/7/16 regarding landscape around the building.
Abescape has provided a bid and it is being reviewed.

 Move in Date – by mid-November.
From the Chief:
LPD Officers conducted 136 traffic stops, responded to 8 alarm calls, investigated 20 suspicious circumstance calls, handled 22 animal calls, responded to 6 vehicle crashes and handled 114 other types of calls for service for a total of 306.

Routine traffic stops resulted in the following charges; Open Container X 2, Lakeway Warrants X 1, and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia X 2.

Officers responded to Baylor Scott and White in reference to a mental health call. A subject in the emergency room had attempted to harm himself and was believed to be suicidal. After evaluation a police officer’s emergency committal was completed so the subject could receive further treatment. 

Animal protection responded to a barking dog call at a Vanguard address. A citation was issued for a barking dog to the owner. 

Officers returning from department training in Marble Falls observed a vehicle driving on the wrong side of the roadway, they were able to turn around and get the vehicle stopped.  An elderly female was the operator and seemed disoriented, officers’ notified Fire and Rescue, and stayed with the female subject until EMS arrived to evaluate and treat her.  

Officers responded to a Brooks Hollow street address for a theft call. A resident reports that a paddle board was stolen from their property. Officers filed a report and CID is assigned to investigate the theft. 

Detectives were assigned to investigate a report of Harassment. According to the victim, her ex-boyfriend has been sending threatening and obscene text messages and following her to her place of employment. After a thorough investigation, Detectives were able to obtain an arrest warrant (Stalking, 3rd Degree Felony) for the suspect in the case. The suspect remains at large. On 11/7/2016, Detectives were tipped off that the suspect would be attempting to visit his son at an elementary school in Austin. Detectives worked with the Travis County Sheriff’s Office SWAT team and School Resource Officers and were able to apprehend the suspect without incident. 

Detectives were assigned to investigate a report of a Burglary of a Vehicle in the 100 block of Meadowlark. However, it was discovered the incident took place in the unincorporated portion of Travis County. The case was forwarded to the Travis County Sheriff’s Office for investigation.
Last but not least, our Deputy City Manager, Chessie Zimmerman has turned in her letter of resignation.  She is accepting a job with another local private company.  I am sad for the City but excited for Chessie - she will be sorely missed.  She has been an invaluable resource for the City and has given her all and has made many improvements in our quality of life.  I wish her all the success in the world and hope she enjoys her new career.  She will stay with us through he holidays.  

Thank you for all your support - if you would like to be added to my email list send a note to and I'll get you added.

Joe Bain


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