Can you believe it? August is over, can you believe a rainy August? The lake is full and the temperatures moderate - who can ask for more?
Just a reminder to everyone that CAMPO will conduct a public meeting at the Lake Travis Community Library on Lohman’s Crossing on Tuesday, Sept. 13th. While the meeting’s main purpose to receive comments on several proposed amendments to current transportation plans, it also will be a great opportunity to voice your frustration about the lack of transportation planning for western Travis County. Tell CAMPO that we need more improvements and better mobility. Urge them not to ignore our area. All you need to do at the come-and-go meeting (4 to 7pm on the 13th) is fill out a card expressing your sentiments. Hope to see you there!
The County has put our Park designated for LTYA as a top priority on their park plan. They have so far denied funding stating that we are a wealthy area and should pay our way. the last time I looked, our tax rate is the same as the rest of the County and my guess is taxes on our properties pays a significant portion of the County's bills. They need to find the money from the bond in 2001 and put it to work for our kids!
Another busy week. As you read in the View, we were served last week in a lawsuit over some property we purchased a couple of years ago for the re-alignment of and construction project on Flintrock Road. Since we paid the appraised price ($3 a sq. ft.) and both parties signed an agreement not to sue, it is somewhat of a surprise. We have met with attorneys and plan a rigorous defense.
The View made a little error on the date for the next Recycling event - it is not today and will be held on Wednesday, September 7th from 9AM until noon.
ZAPCO will meet in regular session Wednesday at 9:10AM - they have a long agenda but I don't see anything controversial - here is a link to the agenda.
CBC will meet in regular session on Thursday September 8th at 9:00AM - here is that agenda.
LRMC is now officially Baylor Scott & White Lakeway - here is a link to the announcement.
I'm told they will be working on the Hamilton Greenbelt project next week - they will build a retaining wall between the two levels and the project should be complete by September 15th.
Cell Phone citations last month added up to 32 citations and 35 warnings. Folks, you need to pay attention to your driving in Lakeway - most of our speed limits are 30 MPH MAX. That doesn't mean 35 or 38 or 40, it means 30 MPH. Lohmans is 40 MPH in some areas - this means 40! Highlands is 35 MPH for the majority - this means 35! Our City is primarily residential and we need to obey the limits and pay attention. Don't endanger our residents because you're in a hurry.
The City will be working on a Website redesign this Fall - we hope to make the site much more user friendly and make available more information and make it easier to find.
From the Court House:
Municipal Court end of the month report: New cases filed: 218 Traffic non-parking, 53 Penal Code violations, 23 State Law Non-traffic and 56 City Ordinances violations. So far we have a 4% increased violations filed from last year.
Total Cases on the Docket for August: 218 cases came to arraignment, 9 cases for Pre-Trial, 79 were summoned to come back for non-compliance on a Show Cause Hearing. One defendant requested a Trial by Judge on August 26 for the offense of Failed to Yield ROW. The violation was issued by Officer McGrew. Judge Madison found the defendant Guilty of the charge and order to pay a $200 fine plus cc.
The court processed 251 convictions with a plea of Guilty/No contest reported to DPS on the 7th day from the final judgment. 62 violations were dismiss with compliance of defensive driving, 16 violations dismissed after Deferred Disposition and 2 dismiss w/proof of insurance, 66 other violations under the transportation Code dismissals.
The following violations were issued to juveniles: 3 for a transportation code case, 7 for Non-driving Alcoholic Beverage Code and 2 for a non-traffic fine-only violation.
Judge Madison issued 117 new Class “C” warrants, 1 Class “A” Misd., 24 Capias Pro Fine and 1 Search Warrant. Marshal Johnson cleared 120 warrants for the month.
Additional Activity: Four cases in which fine and court costs satisfied by Jail Credit, 23 were waived by judge for indigence.
From the Chief:
LPD Officers conducted 137 traffic stops, conducted 17 school checks, responded to 10 alarm calls, investigated 10 suspicious circumstance calls, handled 5 disturbance calls, responded to 9 vehicle crashes and handled 134 other types of calls for service for a total of 305.
Routine traffic stops resulted in the following charges; Out of Jurisdiction Warrant X 1, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia X 2, Possession of a Controlled Substance X 3, and Driving while intoxicated X 2.
Officers responded to a Serine Hills Drive address in reference to a disturbance. Upon arrival it was learned that one person had been assaulted. After the investigation was complete, one suspect was placed under arrest for assault family violence and transported to Travis County Jail.
Officers responded to a Kollmeyer Drive address reference to a theft. Upon arrival a person reported that their purse had been stolen from inside the business. This case is under investigation.
Officers responded to a Serine Hills Dr. address in reference to an auto theft. Upon arrival it was learned that a 2011 Chevrolet Equinox had been stolen from the covered parking area during the night. A report was taken and this case is under investigation.
Officers went to a Fantail Loop address in reference to a harassment case follow up. One subject was placed under arrest for an active Lakeway warrant. The subject was transported to Travis County Jail.
Detectives with the Criminal Investigations investigated a report of a stolen bumper pull camping trailer from a business in the 2000 block of Lohman’s Spur. According to the victim, he leased a recreational trailer valued at $35,000 to a subject who later defaulted on the lease agreement and fled to Kentucky. Acting on information made available during the investigation, Detectives made contact with authorities in Kentucky and requested them to check the subject’s last known address for the stolen trailer. Kentucky authorities were able to locate the stolen trailer on property belonging to the suspect’s family. The trailer was impounded and is awaiting return back to Lakeway. 3rd Degree Felony Theft of Service charges are likely to be filed on the suspect for the theft.
Detectives have been assigned to investigate a report of a stolen motor vehicle from The Mansions apartment complex on Serene Hills. The vehicle was stolen during the early morning hours of 8/25/2016. There were no signs of forced entry into the vehicle; however the victim left the keys to the vehicle in the console. Detectives have issued a BOLO in attempts to locate the vehicle. The case is ongoing…
APO Greig received a letter of commendation from the Texas Cattle Dog Rescue. According to the letter, Officer Greig helped locate and recover a lost dog which had been recently rescued. According to the President of the Texas Cattle Dog Rescue, Officer Greig went “above and beyond what we would have expected and far exceeded the efforts of any animal control officer we have dealt with in the past.”
Sergeant Robert Gauvin turned in his resignation as a sergeant to accept a positon with the Williamson County Sheriff’s Office. His last day will be September 15th. We wish him well.
LPD Officers responded to a reported item in the roadway in the 1000 block of RR620, on Friday morning. Upon arrival officers found a loaded and fully functional handgun laying in the road.
Lots of BLUE Lights all over Lakeway in support of the police! Thanks to everyone for the outstanding support - we still have plenty of the small candelabra bulbs and Lowe's Bee Cave has standard base blue bulbs for the asking - thanks Lowes!!!
Lock your cars - don't leave the keys in them - you know, if your car is unlocked and has a garage door opener you are asking for an uninvited visitor in your home!
If you would like to be added to my email list please send a note to and I'll get you added.
Joe Bain
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