Lakeway Police are also seeking the public's help for information about two suspects in a Jan. 17th burglary in Rough Hollow. This was about 4:30 AM and two males entered through an UNLOCKED DOOR! Call Detective Mary Proctor at 512-314-7578 or email her at More info. Folks, lock your doors at night! Most of our burglaries happen when cars and homes are unlocked and thieves find it easy to gain entrance. Remember, if you leave your car unlocked, garage door openers become accessible and open your home to these types of intrusions.
We have one of the best if not the best Police Departments in Texas, but we need to help them keep us safe! Let's do our part.
Andra Dearing, Director Parks and Rec. has made her last quarter reports available. Here are links to October, November and December for your perusal, they have been busy! Thanks Andra!
The City will be hosting a CAMPO Mobile Meeting at 6PM Feb. 19th in Council Chambers. Here is more information - please plan to attend if your interested in our traffic issues - RSVP to Dena - 512-314-7516 or!
The Lakeway Heritage Commission will meet Monday the 9th in regular session at 11AM at the Heritage Center - here is that agenda.
Lakeway MUD will meet in regular session Wednesday Feb. 11th, 9:30AM at the MUD offices - here is that agenda.
City Building Commission will meet Thursday, Feb. 12 at 9:00AM in Council Chambers - here is that agenda.
There will be a Firewise Field Day on March 7th to clear brush at Sailfish Park. Join your neighbors to make our City "Firewise" and safer!
8:30 till noon - here is a link to more information.
Lakeway Activity Center has several new classes including Landscape design, Estate Planning, and a Red Cross Babby Sitters Course - here is a link to more information! Call the activity center to sign up at 512-261-1010.
From Steve Jones:
The Finance Department is proud to report again that there will be no adjusting entries to the financial statements audited by Singleton, Clark & Co. The financial statements are in the final review stages and will be presented to the Council in March. Also, the city will be accepting proposals for updating the logo on three monuments on 620 (North Lakeway, Lakeway Blvd, and Lohmans Crossing) beginning next week. Proposals will be accepted through February 27.
ZAPCO met in regular session this week, with a very light agenda. The Commission approved signage for the new Estates of Flintrock subdivision, located on the south side of Flint Rock Road.
We currently have job postings for Police Dispatcher, Police Officer I, and a part time Administrative Assistant in Police Department. The job postings are on our website at and Texas Municipal League’s career center at
I had an opportunity to meet with Ron Woolard, the new general manager for Club Corp this week. He is replacing Jeff Muller. We discussed a planned Firewise project that includes golf course property and plans for the tennis courts that the city leases from them.
We are finishing the plans for the culvert projects (on Rolling Green and on Cold Water/Top of the Lake) and the parks restroom/parking lot projects. We still need to acquire some easements before proceeding with the culvert projects. We should have the restroom projects ready for your approval soon.
The finance department is working on a new and improved purchasing document for city acquisitions. We are formalizing and documenting all the city’s purchasing policies.
Police Blotter:
1. Routine traffic stops resulted in the following charges
a. Possession of Drug Paraphernalia X 9
b. Possession of Alcohol by a Minor X 1
c. Warrant Arrest X 1
2. Officers responded to a burglary of a residence and a burglary of a vehicle on Dorothy Drive. The victim reports their wallets were stolen from inside their residence. A press release was sent out during the week and we are hoping for some new information.
3. An employee at the Lakeway Resort and Spa reported to officers that her vehicle had been damaged while parked in the parking garage.
4. A Rolling Green residence was burglarized a purse and its contents were stolen, and a vehicle was stolen from their carport. Officers recovered the vehicle at a nearby residence; it had been put on blocks and the tires and wheels stolen.
5. Criminal Mischief was reported at the Lakeway Public Works Department, a city dump truck had the windshield broken, several golf balls were found on the ground near the truck.
6. A subject was arrested on Flamingo Blvd. after officers were called to an altercation between a boss and an employee. The two men working construction on a house in the area began to argue when one subject assaulted the other. The suspect was arrested and transported to jail without incident.
That's all I have for now, enjoy the wonderful weather they are promising for today and tomorrow. Let me know if you would like to be added to my email list (or removed) - send an email to Thanks for all the continued support - more as I hear about it!
Joe Bain
Sir, with all due respect; as long as you and your fellow counsel members believe the Lakeway Police department is doing a good job, the crime and speeding and city ordinance violations will continue to rise. All good bureaucrats use rising crime as an excuse for increased budgets. The answer to lowering crime is a Chief who will take people out of the office and put them in cars patrolling and making traffic stops. You guys are being had.