Friday, March 28, 2014

Cole Rowland, Council, Library Fire, Chessie's Report and More

Lakeway is mourning the loss of a former Mayor this week.  Cole Rowland was a city leader in the transformation from a small resort town to a bustling community.  Here is a link to the newsflash put out by Devin Monk.  

There was a fire at the new Library Thursday night, there were plastic items stacked on a stove area in the kitchen and someone turned the stove on.  There was extensive damage in the kitchen area but everything is is pretty much ok.  Emergency services responded in good order and very quickly I'm told and kept the damage to a minimum.

City Council will hold another Special Session Monday, March 31, 2014.  Here is that agenda. The main topic on the agenda is another public hearing for the annexation of 318 acres Northwest of Bee Creek Road and SH 71.  There were no speakers at the last public hearing.  There will be a presentation on a transportation reinvestment zone to pay for road improvements on RR 620.  And finally there will be an Executive Session to discuss possible procurement of land for parks.

Lakeway Police are hosting another National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day from 10 AM until 2 PM April 26, 2014.  Here is a link to more information - mark your calendars!

From Chessie!

Julie Oakley reports that the finance department has begun work to renew the City's financial transparency award through the Texas Comptroller's Office.  The City has been awarded the Leadership Gold Award which is the highest designation for the past three years.  The Comptroller's office has enhanced this award program for calendar year 2014 with the addition of the Platinum award level recognizing debt information transparency.  New debt information has been uploaded to the City's website under the Open Government/Transparency link from the homepage.

Dale Delong reports that new sections of asphalt on Lakeway Blvd and Lakeway Dr. as well as the rec lane on Duck Lake were re-striped this week.  Alpha Paving also completed several asphalt patches throughout the city, including locations in the Rough Hollow area, on Zephyr St., Lakeway Blvd, and on Cedar Glen Cv.  Public Works staff installed a culvert under a portion of the Lakeway Blvd west trail near Javelin St. that tends to wash out during rain events. Rock work on the inlet and outlet part of the culvert will be added next week to complete the project.

Chief Radford provided the following:
Five drug related arrests, three as a result of the use of the K9’s.
Last night patrol responded to the new library to assist the fire department. There was some damage done to the structure but it wasn’t major. No injuries were reported.

LPD responded to the Grille in Rough Hollow on noise complaints. 

LPD Officers took a report of an assault with injury that occurred in the men’s restroom at Flores Restaurant.  The suspect is identified and charges are pending.

The Hills Property Owners Association sent out a letter to residents about a case of harassment - here is that release, please let Security know if you have any information.

CAMPO is holding several public meetings to share information on future plans and get feedback from area residents.  Here is a link to the flyer - put it on your calendar and get involved in area transportation issues!

In Lake Travis news, LCRA is moving ahead with a new reservoir near the Texas coast.  This means your water rates will once again pay to make sure irrigation water is available for the few families that are rice farming in that area.  Personally, I think it's time they started paying enough that we as rate payers don't have to subsidize them.  I'm not sure why we should pay for their reservoir.  Here is a link to the news release.

Looks like LCRA is starting to listen to their customers - I've just heard that they are reconsidering the rate increase to pay for downstream water users!  BRAVO!

Here is a link to all the activities planned in the near future at the Activity Center and local area.  Thanks Dallas!

That's all I have for now - more as I hear it!  Enjoy the weekend!

Joe Bain

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