Sunday, March 24, 2013

Blume Lawsuit, Cole Roland Honored ++

The big news of the week is the re-filing of a lawsuit by George Blume against Lakeway Civic Corporation (LCC) in the matter of Rebel and Sailfish parks previously on the ballot for possible sale to surrounding residents.  The suit previously included the City but was dropped a few months ago.  There was a hearing a few weeks ago and neither the Plaintiff nor his lawyer showed up and the suit was dismissed.  The LCC has been instrumental in many areas and helps keep Lakeway the wonderful City it is - here is a list of projects and funding they have provided

Picture Courtesy
Devin Monk & LTV
Earlier this week, Cole Rowland was honored for his contributions to the City and it's residents.  He worked tirelessly in City volunteer positions (including Mayor) and more recently has been involved in Lake Pac and issues involving Lake Travis.  He is a good friend and a GREAT supporter of our City and surrounding area - Thanks Cole! 

CBC will meet next Thursday in Council Chambers - here is that 

The new recycle bins have been / are being delivered around the City.  Here is a link to more information!

From Steve Jones:

 Chief Radford reports that in the patrol division an officer on the night shift stopped a suspicious vehicle that was being driven around in business parking lots.  There were burglary tools in the vehicle and one of the occupants was arrested for a burglary warrant out of Hays County.  This is a good example of proactive policing.  A single car rollover collision on Hurst Creek resulted in driver being arrested for DWI.

Troy Anderson reports that an offer of employment has been extended to an applicant for the position of Code Enforcement Officer, with a start date in late April.  The BDS department has been understaffed in various positions since April 2012.  This is the last remaining unfilled position.  Also, Troy reports that BDS staff continues to meet with the city prosecutor regarding abatement of the unsafe structures at 15206 Mettle and 111 Medalist.

Chessie Zimmerman reports that progress was made on two key projects this week.  Paul Duncan, City Engineer, issued a site development permit for an assisted living center in Lakeway Medical Village this week.  This two-story facility is approximately 125,000 square feet in size and will provide assisted living services as well as memory care for Alzheimer's patients.  Staff also received submittal of a revision to the Serene Hills Preliminary Plan.  The revised plan for the residential components of the subdivision includes an 8+ acre park, a trail system, and about 30 fewer residential lots.

Staff worked with the Travis County Elections office this week to complete review of the ballots for the May 11, 2013 Special Election.  More information about the proposed reauthorization of the 1/4% sales and use tax for road maintenance will be available on the city's website in the next week or so.

Thanks for LOOKING!

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Joe Bain

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